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In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 31, no. 1
Karol Sorby
Rok, strany: 2022, 82 - 101
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
new president elected; initial appearances of continuity; preparations for the liberation of the occupied territories; disagreements in the state governance; the president gets rid of his opponents.
O článku:
When Jamāl cAbdannāṣir died, the Egyptian regime lost its solid stabilization element. His personal charisma had been the regime’s greatest asset. His unexpected death on 28 September 1970 ushered a period of uncertainty, as the new era was marked by a creeping retreat from the fundamental pillars of Egypt’s domestic and foreign policy at the time. In order to understand the nature of the goals, means and style of the policy of his successor Anwar as-Sādāt, it is necessary to focus on the latter’s perception of international and regional politics, including for example, the moves of the superpowers towards détente, the military balance between Israel and the Arab countries; and competition within the Arab world. Anwar as-Sādāt created his own ways of manipulating the constraints on Egypt and using his capabilities in developing foreign policy at the local, regional and global levels.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Sorby, K. 2022. EGYPT MAY 1971 – ANWAR AS-SĀDĀT BECOMES THE COUNTRY’S SOLE LEADER. In Asian and African Studies, vol. 31, no.1, pp. 82-101. 1335-1257. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/aassav.2022.31.1.04

Sorby, K. (2022). EGYPT MAY 1971 – ANWAR AS-SĀDĀT BECOMES THE COUNTRY’S SOLE LEADER. Asian and African Studies, 31(1), 82-101. 1335-1257. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/aassav.2022.31.1.04
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Institute of Oriental Studies
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