In: Geografický časopis, vol. 74, no. 1
Rok, strany: 2022, 75 - 94
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
identity, image, uniqueness, nationalism, tolerance, values, V4 capitals
Typ dokumentu: článok
O článku:
Capital cities are unique for being not only the centres of power but also the symbolic representatives of the nation and epicentres of national identity. The changes follo-wing the year 1989 brought unprecedented development of all four capital cities in the Visegrad group. They have not only altered the cities’ appearance and mode of go-vernance but they also resulted in greater diversity within the population structure, in people’s attitudes as well as in their relationship to their capital city. Although the transformations that these cities underwent share many similarities, each city is unique and possesses its distinctive genius loci. The following study is based on qualitative research among the city elite representatives and references also number of findings from previous ISSP quantitative studies. The aim of the study is to compare four Visegrad group capitals in terms of the relation to the capital and reflection of its identity and image as a national and cultural centre of the country and as an actor shaping national identity. Furthermore, the paper draws attention to the expected differences between the capital city population and the rest of the country in terms of tolerance, openness and values. The data for the study was obtained in the focus group research conducted with the city elite representatives in each capital.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Piscová, M. 2022. Identity and perception of capital cities by the city elites. The case of the Visegrad countries. In Geografický časopis, vol. 74, no.1, pp. 75-94. 0016-7193. DOI:
Piscová, M. (2022). Identity and perception of capital cities by the city elites. The case of the Visegrad countries. Geografický časopis, 74(1), 75-94. 0016-7193. DOI:
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Publikované: 31. 3. 2022