In: Geografický časopis, vol. 19, no. 2
Pavol Plesník
Rok, strany: 1967, 81 - 92
Jazyk: slo
Typ dokumentu: článok/journal
O článku:
A strongly dissected glacial relief is fully reflected also in the course of the upper timber-line in the High Tatra. The various forms of rock in the trough area on the Southern side of the mountain range lower the upper timber-line usually only little under 1500 m, whereas on the northern and northeastern side, where deep troughs run lower, the rocky scarps of troughs lower the timer-line in some places downward under 1 300 m. In glacial valleys opened to south on the Southern side of the mountain range, the climatic timber-line is lowered at most 70 – 80 m owing to influence of concave form of valleys, while on the northern side of the mountain range, in the deep throughs orientated to north, the timber-line lowers as many as 150 m. The reduction of the timber-line on uparched forms (summits, ridges, crests) owing to influence of summit conditions, of which mostly wind and snow participate, is represented by values from 0 to 40 m.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Plesník, P. 1967. Vplyv geomorfologických pomerov na hornú hranicu lesa vo Vysokých Tatrách. In Geografický časopis, vol. 19, no.2, pp. 81-92. 0016-7193.
Plesník, P. (1967). Vplyv geomorfologických pomerov na hornú hranicu lesa vo Vysokých Tatrách. Geografický časopis, 19(2), 81-92. 0016-7193.
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences