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Uplatnenie zákonitostí priestorovej diferenciácie pedosféry na príklade priečneho profilu Podunajskou nížinou v priestore Modra-Sereď

In: Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 28, no. 3
Pavel Michal
Rok, strany: 1976, 216 - 226
Jazyk: slo
Typ dokumentu: článok
O článku:
The contribution points out, on example of a transversal soli profile through the Danubian Lowland, the occurrence of two kinds of regularities in the spatial differentiation of pedosphere – the submontaneous zonally and azonal differentiation. The submontaneous soil zonality is conditioned by the change of bioclimatic circumstances (by Increasing humidity of the climate, from the lowland centre towards the Little Carpathians), while the azonal differentiation of soil cover is conditioned by the dissimilar water, substratum and relief circumstances. The submontaneous zonality is proved by the well developed sequence of piedmont zones (catenae) of soil ty pes (chernozem-brown earth-illimerized soil). The azonal soil types of the profile are the following ones; meadow soils, gley soils, pararendzinas. The greatest lenght of profile is occupied by chernozems and meadow soils, represented by several subtypes.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Michal, P. 1976. Uplatnenie zákonitostí priestorovej diferenciácie pedosféry na príklade priečneho profilu Podunajskou nížinou v priestore Modra-Sereď. In Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 28, no.3, pp. 216-226. 0016-7193.

Michal, P. (1976). Uplatnenie zákonitostí priestorovej diferenciácie pedosféry na príklade priečneho profilu Podunajskou nížinou v priestore Modra-Sereď. Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, 28(3), 216-226. 0016-7193.
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences