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Analýza narušenia fyzickogeografických systémov v okolí Nového Mesta nad Váhom

In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 30, no. 2
Ján Feranec
Rok, strany: 1978, 150 - 170
O článku:
The present study is a contribution to the analysis of natural environment derangement. To solve the problem the description level has been chosen which results from the developmental process of physico-geographical systems of the studied territory. It characterizes the original state (the state of the system in the time t1 — before human interference) and the present state (the state of the systém in the time t2 — after human interference) of selected physico-geographical systems. The comparison of the systems in fi and h showed a potential change (we paid attention only to quality changes of elements which form systems). The intensity of quality change of elements is expressed by means of a scoring system.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Feranec, J. 1978. Analýza narušenia fyzickogeografických systémov v okolí Nového Mesta nad Váhom. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 30, no.2, pp. 150-170. 0016-7193.

Feranec, J. (1978). Analýza narušenia fyzickogeografických systémov v okolí Nového Mesta nad Váhom. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 30(2), 150-170. 0016-7193.