In: Organon F, vol. 28, no. 3
Alex Davies
Rok, strany: 2021, 557 - 580
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
Disagreement; faultless disagreement; instrumental reasons; objectivity.
Typ článku: Research Article
O článku:
It is widely assumed that the possibility of faultless disagreement is to be explained by the peculiar semantics and/or pragmatics of special kinds of linguistic construction. For instance, if A asserts “o is F” and B asserts this sentence’s denial, A and B can disagree faultlessly only if they employ the right kind of predicate as their “F”. In this paper, I present an argument against this assumption. Focusing on the special case when the expression of interest is a predicate, I present a series of examples in which the same pairs of sentences are employed, but in different contexts. In some cases, we get an impression of faultless disagreement and in some cases we don’t. I identify a pattern across these contexts and conclude that faultless disagreement is made possible, not by a special kind of predicate, but instead by a special kind of context.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Davies, A. 2021. Faultless Disagreement Contextualism. In Organon F, vol. 28, no.3, pp. 557-580. 1335-0668. DOI:
Davies, A. (2021). Faultless Disagreement Contextualism. Organon F, 28(3), 557-580. 1335-0668. DOI:
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Filozofický ústav SAV, Filosofický ústav AVČR
Publikované: 30. 8. 2021
Verejná licencia:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0)