In: Geografický časopis, vol. 41, no. 2
Rok, strany: 1989, 138 - 157
Jazyk: slo
Typ dokumentu: 157
O článku:
A landscape with the kopanitse-dispersed settlement, or in other words, the kopanitse-dispersed landscape, may be considered for a specific type of landscape system from the settlement-geographical, but also, as the case may be, from the landscape-synthetic aspect, too. For a relatively short period of its existence this landscape type has overcome a dramatic evolution within the territory of the Slovak Socialist Republic, which culminated in the 2nd half of the 20th century passing the recent period of striking transformations, namely from modernization, through the functional-physiognomical transformation up to a general wearing-out.
In the framework of revaluation of the general strategy of settlement in the territory of the Slovák Socialist Republic, along so far prevailing conoentrating-centralizing tendencies also opposite tendencies begin to manifest themselves, signalizing certain perspectives also for renaissance of the deconcentrated settlement, of course, in a form accomodated to new re- quirements and needs. In every case, the problems mentioned represent a topical object of research that is strikingly of an integrative, interdisciplinary character, and relevant from the viewpoint of modem geography.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Huba, M. 1989. O niektorých otázkach genézy a súčasného stavu kopaničiarskeho osídlenia na území Slovenskej socialistickej republiky. In Geografický časopis, vol. 41, no.2, pp. 138-157. 0016-7193.
Huba, M. (1989). O niektorých otázkach genézy a súčasného stavu kopaničiarskeho osídlenia na území Slovenskej socialistickej republiky. Geografický časopis, 41(2), 138-157. 0016-7193.
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Vydavateľ: 138