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О некоторых особенностях распространения кириллических памятников церковного права у славян в раннее новое время

In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 55, no. 1
Елена Владимировна Белякова
Rok, strany: 2020, 37 - 45
Jazyk: rus
Kľúčové slová:
Cyrillic sources of the Canon law, manuscripts, church communities, regulation of religious life.
Typ článku: Štúdia
O článku:
The most important canon law texts were translated into Slavic in two stages: in the initial period of the spread of Christianity and in the heyday of independent Slavic states. In Early modern period, the complete codes of canons (Kormchie) were being copied mainly on the territory of the Moscow and Kiev metropolitanates, while in the Balkans and Central Europe the Alphabetical Syntagma of Matthew Blastares and the so called Pseudozonar-miscellany were most widespread. The reason for dissemination of the Pseudozonar is the need for self-organization of church communities. This miscellany was open both for replenishment with new texts, including those coming from the Catholic tradition, as well as for local vernacular influences.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Белякова, Е. В. 2020. О некоторых особенностях распространения кириллических памятников церковного права у славян в раннее новое время. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 55, no.1, pp. 37-45. 0037-6787 .

Белякова, Е. В. (2020). О некоторых особенностях распространения кириллических памятников церковного права у славян в раннее новое время. Slavica Slovaca, 55(1), 37-45. 0037-6787 .