In: Slavica Slovaca, vol. 55, no. 1
Rok, strany: 2020, 3 - 14
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
Science and research, Slavistics, Science policy, Institutionalization of a project research, Academic milieu.
Typ článku: Štúdia
O článku:
Slovak Slavistics is the inseparable part of the international Slavistically oriented research milieu. The ‘Jan Stanislav’ Institute of Slavistics of the SAS contributes significantly to this research. Since its foundation in 1995, the
Institute dedicates already twenty-five years’ activity to interdisciplinary research of relations of the Slovak language and culture with other Slavic and non-Slavic languages and cultures in both the national and international cooperation. The present study dedicated to 25th anniversary of the foundation of this Institute points especially to the topical coherences, trends, and needs of the institutionalized Slavistic research contextualized with inevitable processes in the scene of the
academic science policy in Slovakia. Despite all the intricate factors of the current scholarly research in the humanities, Slovak Slavistic research represents the scholarly and research area, which brings new findings in various contexts of cultural development of Slovakia. The core research comprises the Old Church Slavonic, Latin, Slovak-German, Slovak – east Slovakian and Slovak – south Slavic relations, including the area of the translation of the Biblical texts to Slovak, as well as the research area of linguistic – cultural and historical coherences of the development of the inter-confessional communication.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Žeňuch, P. 2020. Inštitucionalizovaný slavistický výskum v Slovenskej akadémii vied po dvadsiatich piatich rokoch. In Slavica Slovaca, vol. 55, no.1, pp. 3-14. 0037-6787 .
Žeňuch, P. (2020). Inštitucionalizovaný slavistický výskum v Slovenskej akadémii vied po dvadsiatich piatich rokoch. Slavica Slovaca, 55(1), 3-14. 0037-6787 .