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Overland flow measurement in a mountain headwater catchment using a portable rainfall simulator

In: Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, vol. 19, no. 1
Ladislav Holko - Michal Danko - Jozef Hlavčo - Zdeněk Kostka
Rok, strany: 2018, 101 - 108
Kľúčové slová:
rainfall simulator, runoff formation, mountain catchment
URL originálneho zdroja: http://www.ih.sav.sk/ah
O článku:
The article presents results of rianfall simulator experiments in the headwater catchment of the Sokolný jarok creek (The Western Tatra Mountains, Slovakia, catchment area 0,059 km2, mean elevation 1509 m a.s.l.). We have conducted 50 experiments with single rains of different intensity and repeated rains on the same plots. Despite the variability of the results, it can be concluded that overand flow in the study catchment was small (mosty up to 10%).
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ISO 690:
Holko, L., Danko, M., Hlavčo, J., Kostka, Z. 2018. Overland flow measurement in a mountain headwater catchment using a portable rainfall simulator. In Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, vol. 19, no.1, pp. 101-108. 2644-4690.

Holko, L., Danko, M., Hlavčo, J., Kostka, Z. (2018). Overland flow measurement in a mountain headwater catchment using a portable rainfall simulator. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, 19(1), 101-108. 2644-4690.