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University and space – in search of knowledge production places

In: Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 69, no. 4
Piotr Pachura
Rok, strany: 2017, 301 - 312
Kľúčové slová:
geography of knowledge, university, university models, case study methodology, Charles University in Prague, Central Europe
O článku:
The paper takes the issue of geography of knowledge related to the spatial context of knowledge production. These considerations are focused on the foundation of the university as a place, and an organization traditionally associated with the generation and transmission of knowledge. In this article we look at the historical, evolutionary and ontological references to the models of the university. This studies have been carried out in relation to the Central European context. The paper also presents empirical research based on case study methodology. The result of the research is an attempt to identify key factors and processes related to the production of knowledge in the context of the university. The article is a contribution to the scientific debate on the effectiveness of the processes of knowledge production in the spatial aspect.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Pachura, P. 2017. University and space – in search of knowledge production places. In Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 69, no.4, pp. 301-312. 0016-7193.

Pachura, P. (2017). University and space – in search of knowledge production places. Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, 69(4), 301-312. 0016-7193.