In: Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 69, no. 3
Rok, strany: 2017, 225 - 244
Kľúčové slová:
centre, hinterland, cohort fertility, functional urban regions, Slovakia
O článku:
The fertility of women in the last quarter of a century in Slovakia is undergoing very important changes. It turns out that these transformations have a significant regional dimension, contributing to accommodate a wide regional disparities in the realized fertility and structure of women by the number of children (parity). A very important aspect in this process appears to be differences between the centres and hinterlands of regions. The main aim of this paper is to analyse the cohort fertility in functional urban regions in Slovakia according to the results from the population censuses 1991, 2001 and 2011. We also focus on the level of disparities in the realized fertility and structure of women by parity between the core and the hinterland and their development between year 1991 and 2011.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Ďurček, P., Šprocha, B. 2017. Centrá a zázemia funkčných mestských regiónov na Slovensku optikou kohortnej plodnosti. In Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 69, no.3, pp. 225-244. 0016-7193.
Ďurček, P., Šprocha, B. (2017). Centrá a zázemia funkčných mestských regiónov na Slovensku optikou kohortnej plodnosti. Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, 69(3), 225-244. 0016-7193.