In: Musicologica Slovaca , vol. 7, no. 2
Rok, strany: 2016, 249 - 283
Kľúčové slová:
collector, bearers of song tradition, woman, types of repertoire, performance features
Typ článku: 1 Štúdie
O článku:
During field research in the Záhorie region the collector Karol Plicka (1894 – 1987) was impressed by the singer Eva Studeničová from the village of Moravský Svätý Ján. Although he published only a small fragment of the songs (43 records), the song collection
Eva Studeničová Sings(1928)is the first song monograph in Slovakia on an important bearer of the song tradition. Reconstruction of the complete song repertoire which the collector recorded from this singer relied on both manuscript and published records. The result was a repertoire amounting to 209 songs gathered from this singer. Apart from that, 88 song records which Plicka recorded from other singers in the village have been identified. Together with the songs from Eva Studeničová’s repertoire, this makes a corpus totalling 297 songs, which Plicka documented in this locality.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Timková, M. 2016. Rekonštrukcia piesňového repertoáru Evy Studeničovej zo zápisov Karola Plicku. In Musicologica Slovaca , vol. 7, no.2, pp. 249-283. 1338-2594.
Timková, M. (2016). Rekonštrukcia piesňového repertoáru Evy Studeničovej zo zápisov Karola Plicku. Musicologica Slovaca , 7(2), 249-283. 1338-2594.