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Molybdenite Re-Os dating of Mo-Th-Nb-REE rich marbles: pre-Variscan processes in Moldanubian Variegated Group (Czech Republic)

In: Geologica Carpathica, vol. 66, no. 3
Milan Drábek - Holly Stein
Rok, strany: 2015, 173 - 179
Jazyk: eng
Kľúčové slová:
Re-Os dating, molybdenite, Moldanubicum, marble, Variegated group, carbonatite-like marbles, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic
O článku:
In an effort to contribute to the discussion concerning the age of rocks of the Moldanubian Variegated Group, we have undertaken Re-Os dating of molybdenite of banded carbonatite-like marbles (CLM) from the graphite mine Václav at Bližná (Southern Bohemia), which belong to the metamorphic sequence of this group. The Re-Os model ages for the molybdenites range between 493 and 497 Ma and apparently correspond to the early stages of metamorphism connected with pre-Variscan rift-related tectono-metamorphic events, which affected and recrystallized sedimentary CLM material rich in Mo-Th-Nb-REE. The molybdenite bearing carbonatite like marbles situated in the footwall of Bližná graphite mine have been interpreted as carbonates with a large share of volcano-detritic material derived from contemporaneous primitive alkaline (carbonatite-like) volcanism deposited in a shallow marine lagoonal environment. There is no geological evidence for the participation of fluids mobilized from host rocks in the formation of the CLM. Because the Re-Os chronometer in molybdenite is demonstrably stable through later Variscan facies metamorphism, the molybdenite chronometer has not been affected by subsequent thermal overprints associated with the Variscan orogeny.
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ISO 690:
Drábek, M., Stein, H. 2015. Molybdenite Re-Os dating of Mo-Th-Nb-REE rich marbles: pre-Variscan processes in Moldanubian Variegated Group (Czech Republic). In Geologica Carpathica, vol. 66, no.3, pp. 173-179. 1335-0552. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/geoca-2015-0018

Drábek, M., Stein, H. (2015). Molybdenite Re-Os dating of Mo-Th-Nb-REE rich marbles: pre-Variscan processes in Moldanubian Variegated Group (Czech Republic). Geologica Carpathica, 66(3), 173-179. 1335-0552. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/geoca-2015-0018
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