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Fyzickogeografické aspekty dynamiky populácie hlaváčika jarného (Adonis vernalis L.): modelové územie NPR Devínska kobyla

In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 66, no. 4
Marián Jenčo - Silvia Kubalová - Igor Matečný Číslo ORCID
Rok, strany: 2014, 417 - 434
Kľúčové slová:
Adonis vernalis L., population dynamics, insolation, ecological amplitude, National Nature Reserve of Devínska Kobyla
O článku:
The population dynamics of plant species in time and space depends on the relationships between a plant and its natural environment. Protection of endangered plant species also depends on the knowledge of the population dynamics of species taking into account their site conditions. Adonis vernalis L. is a perennial plant and one of the representative spring species in the National Nature Reserve of Devínska Kobyla. The direct observation of the plant population was carried out during six periods. Staking out a grid with three hundred permanent 1m x 1m plots enabled detailed research. Following the digital terrain modelling and calculation of insolation together with consideration of soil and climatic characteristics allowed assessment of the trends in population dynamics of Adonis vernalis L. depending on site conditions.
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ISO 690:
Jenčo, M., Kubalová, S., Matečný, I. 2014. Fyzickogeografické aspekty dynamiky populácie hlaváčika jarného (Adonis vernalis L.): modelové územie NPR Devínska kobyla. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 66, no.4, pp. 417-434. 0016-7193.

Jenčo, M., Kubalová, S., Matečný, I. (2014). Fyzickogeografické aspekty dynamiky populácie hlaváčika jarného (Adonis vernalis L.): modelové územie NPR Devínska kobyla. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 66(4), 417-434. 0016-7193.