Domovský ústav: Parazitologický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Jazyk: Anglický
Web: pau.saske.sk/helm/
Hlinkova 3
040 01 Kosice
Slovak Republic
Being continuously published from 1959, Helminthologia is the only journal in Central Europe that encompasses the individual and collaborative efforts of scientists in veterinary medicine and natural science. While still maintaining its original spirit, being a source of fresh knowledge, using comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach and addressing the most up-to date issues it has managed to earn its rightful place next to other high-quality scientific serials in its field.
5-year IMPACT FACTOR: 1.1
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2022: 0.28
Quartile Zoology – Q3
Published by De Gruyter Open, Warsaw
Copyright and ownership:
Institute of Parasitology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Printed in Poland
Instructions for Authors