Ústav polymérov SAV, v. v. i.
Názov témy
Analýza polymérnych sietí inštrumentálnymi metódami
Program DŠ
Fyzikálna chémia
Rok prijímania
Meno školiteľa/-ky
RNDr. Dmitrij Bondarev, PhD.
Prijímajúca škola
Prírodovedecká fakulta UK
Stručná anotácia
Polymer networks or cross-linked polymers are materials utilized in wide range of applications like hydrogels, matrixes of or sorption materials. In this study we aim at detailed characterization study of polymer networks prepared by selected (photo)polymerizations and post-polymerization modifications. Characterization will be performed by spectroscopic, thermal and also chromatographic methods and the main goal is not only to achieve information about the structure of material but also to better understand mechanisms of network formation and propose methods to improve mechanical properties, decrease shrinkage or accelerate reactions.