Ekonomický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Názov témy
Fragmentácia svetovej ekonomiky a jej vplyv na ekonomiku EÚ a Slovenska.
Program DŠ
Rok prijímania
Meno školiteľa/-ky
prof. Ing. Juraj Sipko, PhD., MBA.
Prijímajúca škola
Národohospodárska fakulta EU
Stručná anotácia
The geopolitical crisis led to a fragmentation of the global economy. This trend brought about geo-economic blocks. New technological, payment standards, including new developments in the international monetary and payment systems have been created. The fragmentation of the global economy has a significant impact on individual economies / countries. The current process of global fragmentation has led to growing trade restrictions and has had a very negative impact on the economy as a whole. These very negative trends caused technological decoupling, disrupted capital flows as well as have had unpredictable impacts on future international monetary and payment systems. All these negative developments have led to higher levels of costs. Since current humanity is living in turbulent times, and in a world of prone shocks, mutual and beneficial cooperation would be needed.