Ekonomický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Názov témy
Vyhodnocovanie účinnosti podpory Európskych štrukturálnych a investičných fondov na firmy na Slovensku.
Program DŠ
Rok prijímania
Meno školiteľa/-ky
Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD.
Prijímajúca škola
Národohospodárska fakulta EU
Stručná anotácia
Slovakia receives support from multiple European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). At the operational level, these funding schemes translate to particular areas of support with calls. In some of these calls private firms are eligible to apply and draw funding. The student is expected to map the policy areas with calls providing support to private firms of all sizes during the programming period and choose the segment of the EU funds, with the area of support and the impacted population.
Based on the mapping, considering data availability (including administrative data such as the ITMS system), the student will select one policy area supported by ESIF. Following the usual impact evaluation procedures (Gertler et al., 2016), the student identifies the policy goals and proposes outcome indicators covered by the available data. Subsequently, depending on the type of support and its implementation, the student picks the most suitable strategy for identifying the impact of the support (Cunningham, 2021). Finally, the estimated impacts of the support at the micro level of firms will be discussed with the available micro and macro-economic studies (Berkowitz et al., 2020, Mogina et al., 2022).
Based on the mapping, considering data availability (including administrative data such as the ITMS system), the student will select one policy area supported by ESIF. Following the usual impact evaluation procedures (Gertler et al., 2016), the student identifies the policy goals and proposes outcome indicators covered by the available data. Subsequently, depending on the type of support and its implementation, the student picks the most suitable strategy for identifying the impact of the support (Cunningham, 2021). Finally, the estimated impacts of the support at the micro level of firms will be discussed with the available micro and macro-economic studies (Berkowitz et al., 2020, Mogina et al., 2022).