Ekonomický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Názov témy
Fiscal effects of migration in Slovakia
Program DŠ
Európske štúdiá a politiky
Rok prijímania
Meno školiteľa/-ky
doc. Ing. Tomáš Domonkos, PhD.
Prijímajúca škola
Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied UK
Stručná anotácia
Slovakia was a country of departure for labor force in the recent past and was not a highly attractive destination for foreign labor. The recent economic expansion and lack of qualified workforce seems to change this development. It is indicated by the quickly grooving number of foreigners from 88 thousand to 141 thousand persons from 2016 to 2019. The intension of this research is to quantify fiscal effects of immigration. There are two main streams in literature: static and dynamic view on this problem. Static researches discuss one particular year, while dynamic researches aims to show the long-run effects of migration on the public finances. Dynamic researches can be divided into two main streams. First one is based on the foundations of generational accounting which is a partial equilibrium approach . The second one employs general equilibrium models . The results of this research aim to contribute to the lack of quantitative economic research in this field in Slovakia.