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Preface, strany: 11-12  Full text
Vydavatelia: Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Typ knihy: editorovaná kniha
Publikované: 13. 6. 2022
Rok vydania: 2018
Počet strán: 214
Jazyk: anglický
ISBN 978-80-224-1705-1 (print), ISBN 978-80-224-1705-1 (online)
Verejná licencia: Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
O kapitole
In: Theatre as a Value-based Discourse Slovak Theatre and Contemporary European Theatre Culture: Conference Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference 5th and 6th of October 2017 Bratislava, Slovakia
Marek Godovič

Values of the Past, Values of the Present: the Conversion of Values in Sławomir Mrożek’s Work and their Message for Today

This study examines the transformation of creative approaches in the work of the Polish playwright Sławomir Mrożek and its influence on the values that his works point to. The transformation of the thinking of society and changes in the political climate and social conditions led to a diverse grasp of the absurdity of everyday life. However, the playwright’s work did not stop at the production of one-acts and plays influenced by absurd drama; it continued in the way of revealing real facts and characters and in the effort to achieve the internal motives of both the characters as well as the functioning of social laws. This article also focuses on the approach to values in Mrożek’s creative process. How did he perceive the sphere of values? Mrożek was a playwright who systematically worked, especially in the first period of his work, with irony, paraphrasing, and the absurdity of situations. A logical question therefore arises: Does the relativization of values open a space for new values, or is it just his manifest and protest opposing something and somebody without suggesting a solution, a way out, or even hope?
Strany: 73 - 83
Jazyk: anglický
Rok vydania: 2018
Kľúčové slová:
values, absurd drama, co-ordinated absurdity, theatre of the absurd, Central Europe
Verejná licencia: Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.