Editorial Note, strany: 7-11 Full text
The Impact of European Theatre on Slovak Opera Staging Practice, strany: 204-223 Full text
A Theatre of Visual Excellence, strany: 241-260 Full text
Vydavatelia: Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Typ knihy: editorovaná kniha
Vydanie: 1.
Publikované: 14. 9. 2021
Rok vydania: 2021
Miesto vydania: Bratislava
Počet strán: 268
Jazyk: anglický
ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6 (print)
Verejná licencia: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Ako citovať
ISO 690:
Mojžišová, M. ed.: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. 1 vyd. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 2021. pp. 268. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.
Mojžišová, M. ed. (2021). Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.
O kapitole
In: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives
Michaela Mojžišová
The Impact of European Theatre on Slovak Opera Staging Practice
A cross-cutting study offering an insight into the 20th century key European theatrical poetics that transcended the Opera of the Slovak National Theatre during its century-old existence. In the 1920s and 1930s, artists, inspired by German expressionism and the Russian avant-garde, entered into controversy with the prevailing art decorativeness and illusive imitation of reality. The fifties were marked by the tethering doctrine of socialist realism shielded by the name of Konstantin Stanislavsky. The sixties and seventies were shaped by an effort to revive Slovak staging practice according to the principles of Walter Felsenstein’s psychologically realistic music theatre. And, last but not least, the final part of the study highlights the upsurge of artistic transfers in the current open Europe space.
Strany: 204 - 223
Jazyk: anglický
Rok vydania: 2021
Kľúčové slová:
Opera of the Slovak National Theatre, German expressionism, theatre of the avant-garde, socialist realism, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Walter Felstenstein, Peter Konwitschny
Ako citovať
ISO 690:
Mojžišová, M.: 2021. The Impact of European Theatre on Slovak Opera Staging Practice. In: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp.204-223. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.
Mojžišová, M.. (2021). The Impact of European Theatre on Slovak Opera Staging Practice. Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 204-223. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.