Editorial Note, strany: 7-11 Full text
The Impact of European Theatre on Slovak Opera Staging Practice, strany: 204-223 Full text
A Theatre of Visual Excellence, strany: 241-260 Full text
Vydavatelia: Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Typ knihy: editorovaná kniha
Vydanie: 1.
Publikované: 14. 9. 2021
Rok vydania: 2021
Miesto vydania: Bratislava
Počet strán: 268
Jazyk: anglický
ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6 (print)
Verejná licencia: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Ako citovať
ISO 690:
Mojžišová, M. ed.: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. 1 vyd. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 2021. pp. 268. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.
Mojžišová, M ed. (2021). Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.
O kapitole
In: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives
Tatjana Marković
Networks of Cultural Zones between Imperial Theatre Houses. Migrations of Two Serbian Musicians
In order to shed light on cultural exchange in a meta-national context, Michel Espagne coined the term ‘cultural transfer’ with respect to exchange between
‘cultural zones’. The migration of cultural objects and individuals, signified by their appropriation and transformation in new contexts, is a process of continuous reinterpretation of travelling ideas and concepts. Such transnational approach provided by cultural transfers assumes transdifference, cultural hybridization, and interpenetration of cultural zones beyond the traditional dichotomy of centre-periphery: the
nodes of the formed networks are proliferated (in some cases, temporary) centres, including also certain mediatory points. Two case studies of Serbian, i.e., Yugoslav musicians – the violin player Dragomir Krančević (1847 – 1929) and especially the soprano Karola Jovanović (1879 – 1958) – will be explicated in this theoretical framework in relation to their positions at music theatres. Both were well-known artists and had successful careers in Vienna and other cities in the Habsburg Monarchy (Budapest, Olomouc, Graz) and its successor states, Krančević mainly as a soloist and Jovanović as an opera and concert singer. These two musicians are understood here as agents of cultural transfer and this paper will show how they were transformed by adjustment to their new environments, i.e., to the dominant cultural policy expressed through repertoire, gender policy, guest
performances, and other aspects. By doing so, they contributed to building networks all over Europe, beyond territorial or national borders.
Strany: 81 - 99
Jazyk: anglický
Rok vydania: 2021
Kľúčové slová:
cultural transfer, music theatre, Central Europe, Dragomir Krančević (Krancsevics), Karola Jovanović (Carola Jovanovics), Graz Opera, Court Opera Vienna, Vienna State Opera, Budapest Opera
Ako citovať
ISO 690:
Marković, T.: 2021. Networks of Cultural Zones between Imperial Theatre Houses. Migrations of Two Serbian Musicians. In: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp.81-99. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.
Marković, T. (2021). Networks of Cultural Zones between Imperial Theatre Houses. Migrations of Two Serbian Musicians. Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 81-99. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.