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Editorial Note, strany: 7-11  Full text
Vydavatelia: Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Typ knihy: editorovaná kniha
Vydanie: 1.
Publikované: 14. 9. 2021
Rok vydania: 2021
Miesto vydania: Bratislava
Počet strán: 268
Jazyk: anglický
ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6 (print)
Verejná licencia: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Ako citovať
ISO 690:
Mojžišová, M. ed.: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. 1 vyd. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 2021. pp. 268. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.
Mojžišová, M. ed. (2021). Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.
O kapitole
In: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives

Entertainment or National Duty? The Role of Music in the Life of Eastern Galician Provincial Towns 1867 – 1914

The author cites a number of examples of musical life in provincial towns of Eastern Galicia in the autonomy period (1867 – 1914). The centres promoting musical culture were music societies (mostly for Poles) and “Bojan” singing societies (organized by local Ruthenians/Ukrainians, promoting mostly their national music). In every town, there were a few, or even over a dozen, private music schools, and musical education – very popular before the First World War – followed the educational models for middle and upper classes, popular at the turn of the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. Although music was largely perceived as entertainment, musical life in Galician provinces showed clear gender divisions and some artistic initiatives were perceived as manifestations of national rivalry.
Strany: 58 - 80
Rok vydania: 2021
Kľúčové slová:
Eastern Galicia, provincial towns, music societies, private music schools, entertainment, national rivalry

Ako citovať

ISO 690:
PUDŁOCZKI, T.: 2021. Entertainment or National Duty? The Role of Music in the Life of Eastern Galician Provincial Towns 1867 – 1914. In: Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp.58-80. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.

PUDŁOCZKI, T.. (2021). Entertainment or National Duty? The Role of Music in the Life of Eastern Galician Provincial Towns 1867 – 1914. Cultural and Artistic Transfers in Theatre and Music: Past, Present, and Perspectives. Bratislava : Art Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Theatre and Film Research, VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 58-80. ISBN 978-80-224-1911-6.