Asian and African Studies
Zoznam článkov
Volume 12, 2003, No. 1
ISSN 1335-1257 (print)
ISSN 2585-8793 (online)
- Krupa, V.: The Prelinguistic Basis of Spatial Semantics. (s. 3)
- Drozdík, L.: Arabic Compounding as a Case of Root Classification. (s. 9)
- Ivan Rumánek, R.: The Awarq Emotion and En Beauty in the Kokinshū Prefaces as the Basis for a Tradition in Japanese Poetics. (s. 23)
- Sorby Karol, R.: The Short-lived Liberal Experiment in Postwar Iraq (1945-1948). (s. 39)
Review Article
- Škultéty, R.: A Comment on a Concept of the Great Man (Genius) in the “Autumn Floods. (s. 67)
- Drozdík, L.: On the Modern Written Arabic Syntax. (s. 91)
Book Reviews
- Slobodník, M.: Ružičková, E. Picture Dictionary of Gestures. American, Slovak, Japanese and Chinese.. (s. 103)
- Gregušová, G.: Frazier, Mark. The Making of the Chinese Industrial Workplace. State, Revolution, and Labor Management.. (s. 104)
- Slobodník, M.: Dawa Norbu. China's Tibet Policy.. (s. 106)
- Slobodník, M.: Bělka, L. Tibetský buddhismus v Burjatsku.. (s. 109)
- Sorby Karol, R.: Drozdík, Ladislav. Modem Written Arabic.. (s. 111)