Studia Politica Slovaca
Article List
Volume 2, 2009, No. 1
ISSN 1337-8163 (print)
ISSN 2585-8459 (online)
- Veselý, Z.: Slovensko v české politice 20. století .(Slovakia in the Czech Politics in the 20th Century). (p. 3)
- Lysý, J.: Politika medzi diskurzom a teóriou. .(The policy between discourse and theory. The shortage of the rationalism?). (p. 23)
- Šmihula, D.: The waves of the technological innovations .(The waves of the technological innovations ). (p. 32)
- Sorby, K.: Sovietsko-americké súperenie na Blízkom východe v polovici 50. rokov .(The Soviet-American rivalry in the Near East in mid-fifties 20th Century). (p. 48)
- Kiľdeyev, M.: Principle of national self-determination in Russian policy .(Principle of national self-determination in Russian policy ). (p. 62)
- Kopecký, P.: Kulturní rozpory, nová média a elektronický boj .(Culture conflicts, new media and electronic struggle). (p. 70)
- Petrovičová, E.: Štátnik a politik Milan Hodža .(Statesman and politician Milan Hodža). (p. 77)
- Drozdík, L.: Karol R. Sorby: Blízky východ v medzinárodnej politike (1918 - 1945). Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm: Bratislava 2009, 186 s..(DROZDÍK, Ladislav: Karol R. Sorby: The Near East in the international policy (1918-1945). Bratislava, Publisher of Ekonom 2009, 186 pages, ISBN 978-80-2735-4). (p. 86)
- Lysý, J.: Vladimír Goněc: From the “small Europe” to the “large Europe”. The history of widen of the European Community/Europeanunion. 1. and 2. vol. Brno 2002 .(LYSÝ, Jozef: Vladimír Goněc: From the “small Europe” to the “large Europe”. The history of widen of the European Community/European union. 1. and 2. vol. Brno 2002). (p. 88)
- Krpala, K.: Krpala, karol: Pavol Dinka: Slovenské masmédiá - metódy manipulácie. politologický odbor Martice slovenskej. Bratislava 2008, 293 strán.(Krpala, Karol: Pavol Dinka: The Slovak of media – the methods of manipulation. Department of political science of the Matica slovenská. Bratislava 2008, 293 pages). (p. 92)
- Mikheyeva, I.: Post-Soviet publicity: Belarus, Ukraine. A collection of scientific.(Post-Soviet publicity: Belarus, Ukraine. A collection of scientific). (p. 94)
- Kmeť, N.: Marxova filozofia dejín a problematika politických i ďalších spoločenských zmien po roku 1989 – informácia o konaní vedeckej konferencie .(Marx ´s philosophy of history and question political and another social changes after 1989 – information). (p. 98)
- Szomolányi, S.: Katedra politológie na FiF UK.(Department of Political Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University). (p. 101)