The list of international projects SAS
Institute of Parasitology
One Health drugs against parasitic vector borne diseases in Europe and beyond
Jednotné nové lieky proti parazitickým ochoreniam prenášaných vektormi v Európe a iných územiach
National Centre for Biotechnology in Veterinary Medicine
Národné Centrum Biotechnológií vo Veterinárnej Medicíne
Duration: |
1.1.2023 - 31.12.2028 |
Program: |
Other |
Project leader: |
prof. MVDr. Várady Marián DrSc. |
Annotation: | The aim of the project is to build a long-term base of applied research, through the concentration of research capacities of 7 research organizations in the field of biotechnology in veterinary medicine, animal production and related fields. The impact of the project is to ensure the sustainable production of quality and safe food of animal origin in terms of implementing policies to reduce antibiotic consumption, improve the welfare of farmed animals, maintain biodiversity in the landscape and the principles of circular economy. The results generated in the project in the form of new or innovative products or services should increase the competitiveness of the participating companies. During 6 years of the project min. 30 sub-projects is planned with expected min. 35 innovative outputs. |
One Health concept & water-borne parasitic diseases in Central Europe: next-generation monitoring
One Health koncept a ľudské parazitózy viazané na vodné prostredie v strednej Európe: monitorovanie pomocou sekvenovania novej generácie
Duration: |
1.7.2022 - 30.6.2025 |
Program: |
Inter-governmental agreement |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Oros Mikuláš DrSc. |
Annotation: | The proposed project in the framework of the development of international science and innovation between the two Central European countries focuses on cooperation in the application of the One Health concept, i.e. focusing on the triad of humans, animals and the environment. The main objective is to address the neglected problem of the current occurrence of water-borne zoonoses and their potential risk to human health. The bird schistosomes causing cercarial dermatitis (swimmer’s itch), fish-borne trematodes responsible for metagonimosis and opisthorchosis, and the broad fish tapeworm causing diphyllobothriosis were selected for their importance and confirmed occurrence in Central Europe. The originality and innovativeness of the proposed project lies in its integrative research strategy based on a combination of traditional invasive parasitological methods and modern non-invasive eDNA metabarcoding as a powerful tool for large-scale screening of human parasites. The proposed project represents a continuation of the previous fruitful collaboration between both teams, but at a qualitatively higher level and with a shift from veterinary to medical parasitology. |
The role of wild animals in circulation of vector-borne pathogens and options for bio-control of Ixodes ricinus ticks
Úloha voľne žijúcich zvierat v cirkulácii vektormi-prenášaných pôvodcov nákaz a možnosti biologickej kontroly Ixodes ricinus
Duration: |
1.4.2024 - 31.12.2025 |
Program: |
Inter-governmental agreement |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Víchová Bronislava PhD. |
Annotation: | The transmission of infectious agents between wild animals and humans is of great interest to scientists. It is
estimated that more than 70% of reported human infectious diseases originate in wildlife and that vector-borne
pathogens have been responsible for nearly 30% of all infectious diseases in recent decades. In order to protect
common health, it is crucial to understand the transmission cycles of pathogens, to identify the wi ld reservoirs of
disease agents, as well as the vectors that ensure the spread of infectious agents. Deer are an important source of
blood for ticks (Ixodidae), but at the same time they play an active role in the epidemiology of a whole range of
pathogens. Their number and distribution are increasing. As a result of global changes, there are changes in the
distribution of hosts, vectors, pathogens and parasites. Many appear in places where they did not occur in the past
due to unsuitable environmental conditions. They stay here for a short time, but they are often able to establish
relatively stable populations in a relatively short time. They spread to higher altitudes, to urban areas, recreation
zones in cities and occur in the immediate vicinity of humans. Mixed infections and the existence of intraspecies
genetic variability of the causative agents of diseases are an increasing problem, which considerably worsens the diagnosis as well as the course of the disease. The presented project aims to use molecular methods to identify
selected species of bacterial and protozoan pathogens in wild animals and in ticks from the genus Ixodes in
geographically distant locations in Slovakia and Serbia with comparable climatological characteristics of the model
areas. At the same time, ticks from the vegetation will be screened for the presence of hyperparasitic wasps of the
genus Ixodiphagus (Hymenoptera), which represent an interesting candidate in the biological control of ticks, and
thus can significantly influence the dynamics of infections.
Environmental impact of anthelmintics in livestock and alternatives to minimize their use (ENVIRANT)
Vplyv anthelmintík na životné prostredie v chovoch hospodárskych zvierat a alternatívy minimalizácie ich používania (ENVIRANT)
Duration: |
10.10.2024 - 9.10.2028 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
prof. MVDr. Várady Marián DrSc. |
Annotation: | Pasture-based animal production systems play a vital role in promoting sustainable farming practices in Europe. These systems rely on grass grazing as an affordable feed source on the farm. However, these systems have certain disadvantages, particularly concerning animal health since grazing livestock are very susceptible to infections caused by helminth parasites. These infections can impose a substantial economic burden on the food production system and the most commonly used method for their control is the administration of anthelmintic drugs. However, these drugs have been considered recently emerging contaminants because their presence in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems poses significant environmental risks. Under this context, the objective of ENVIRNAT is to advance, consolidate and disseminate research and knowledge on the environmental occurrence and ecological impact of anthelmintics administered to livestock and to propose more sustainable practices and methods to minimize their use in the control of helminth infections. This Action aims to (i) to monitor the sale, use and efficacy of anthelmintics in European livestock farming; (ii) to investigate factors related to farming practices, the environment and climatic conditions that favour the persistence of anthelmintics in the environment; (iii) to assess the impact of anthelmintic residues on ecosystems; (iv) to develop sustainable methods to reduce the use of anthelmintics in a variety of European settings; (v) to conduct socio-psychological research on barriers that may arise in the implementation of sustainable methods; (vi) to model the impact of anthelmintic use, considering both animal health benefits and ecosystem risks through benefit-risk assessment. |
The total number of projects: 5