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M-ERA.NET Transnational Call 2018 is open

25. 3. 2018 | videné 502-krát

The M-ERA.NET Transnational Call 2018 opened on 13 March 2018. More than 33 funding agencies from more than 24 European and non-European countries participate with a total budget of around 23 million €.

Funding will be offered to innovative projects focusing on:

  • Multiscale modeling for materials engineering and processing (M3EP)
  • Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
  • High performance composites
  • Functional materials
  • New strategies for advanced material-based technologies health applications
  • Materials for additive manufacturing

Deadline for mandatory pre-proposals: 12 June 2018, 12:00 noon (Brussels time).

All call documents are published on our Call 2018 website: https://m-era.net/joint-calls/joint-call-2018

Detailed information on participating countries and regions including funding rules are provided at: https://m-era.net/joint-calls/joint-call-2018/participating-countries-regions-call-2018

All applicants are requested to contact their national/regional funding organisations for national/regional programme details.
You are kindly invited to take this opportunity for realising transnational R&D projects in materials research & innovation.
Please disseminate this information to related parties in your networks.

The NMPTeAm4 offers a partner search tool for the M-ERA.NET Call 2018: https://www.nmp-partnersearch.eu/index.php

Predsedníctvo SAV uznesením č. 494 súhlasilo s účasťou SAV na predmetnej výzve a s finančnou podporou  max 3 úspešných projektov vo výške 25.000 €/projekt/rok  pre obdobie 3 rokov. 


Ján Barančík, PhD. 

M-ERA.NET 2 Working Group Member