In: Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 46, no. 5
Štefan Rehák
Rok, strany: 2014, 599 - 619
Kľúčové slová:
creative cities; creative class; Slovakia
Typ článku: štúdia / study
O článku:
Creative Class and Creative Cities: A Theoretical Concept and its Limits. The growth of cities is based on other factors than in the past. Human creativity is considered to be a key driving force of the economy of cities. R. Florida's concept of creative class and creative cities is often discussed both in academia as well as in city development practice. This paper reviews the theoretical basis of the concept of creative cities and critically analyses its contribution to theories of urban development. Exploratory analysis of cities in Slovakia has shown that lower levels of urbanization, a low migration rate, the dominance of the capital city and suburbanization processes provide a context that is significantly different from the assumptions underlying the concept of creative cities. Discussion on the impact of the socio-economic context contributes to a better understanding of the possibilities of applying this concept outside metropolitan regions.
Sociológia 2014, Vol. 46 (No. 5: 599-619)
Creative Class and Creative Cities: A Theoretical Concept and its Limits. The growth of cities is based on other factors than in the past. Human creativity is considered to be a key driving force of the economy of cities. R. Florida's concept of creative class and creative cities is often discussed both in academia as well as in city development practice. This paper reviews the theoretical basis of the concept of creative cities and critically analyses its contribution to theories of urban development. Exploratory analysis of cities in Slovakia has shown that lower levels of urbanization, a low migration rate, the dominance of the capital city and suburbanization processes provide a context that is significantly different from the assumptions underlying the concept of creative cities. Discussion on the impact of the socio-economic context contributes to a better understanding of the possibilities of applying this concept outside metropolitan regions.
Sociológia 2014, Vol. 46 (No. 5: 599-619)
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Rehák, Š. 2014. Kreatívna trieda a kreatívne mestá. Teoretický koncept a jeho limity. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 46, no.5, pp. 599-619. 0049-1225.
Rehák, Š. (2014). Kreatívna trieda a kreatívne mestá. Teoretický koncept a jeho limity. Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, 46(5), 599-619. 0049-1225.