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PhD. Topics

Institute of Geography

Geomorphic control of logjams accumulation within active river zone
PhD. program
Physical Geography, Geoecology and Geoinformatics
Year of admission
Name of the supervisor
Ing. Anna Kidová, PhD.
Receiving school
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava
Large woody debris (LWD) significantly influences flow regime, channel morphology, and processes in gravel-bed rivers. Consequently, LWD plays a signigicant role in sediment transport and in-channel landforms formation. Especially logjams accumulation create conditions for channel planform adjustment and support channel narrowing, increase flow depths and pool frequency. PhD thesis will determine the geomorphic controls that influence logjam deposition. In addition, we will assess how geomorphic characteristics (e.g., valley confinement, slope) may influence logjam deposition on avulsion channels in comparision to clumps accumulation on main channel. Very recent hydrological data will provide analysis concerning to size and duration of the maximum discharges where the individual sequences of logjams accumulation were proven. The high-resolution LiDAR with combination of UAV data for volume calculation as well as the 3D model of logjams creation will be used.