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Ing. Štefan Dlugolinský, PhD.

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  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal - ŠELENG, Martin. Vyhľadávanie informácií na webe podľa vzdialenosti. In 4th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies : WIKT 2009 proceedings. Editor František Babič, Ján Paralič. - Košice : Centre for Information Technologies, FEEI TU Košice, 2009, p. 34-43. ISBN 978-80-89284-42-9. Typ: AED
  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - JECKEL, Eugen - ŠELENG, Martin - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Experimentálne vyhodnotenie extrakcie informácií alebo čo sme sa naučili. In 4th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge oriented Technologies : WIKT 2009 proceedings. Editor František Babič, Ján Paralič. - Košice : Centre for Information Technologies, FEEI TU Košice, 2009, p. 59-64. ISBN 978-80-89284-42-9. Typ: AED
  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Towards a search system for the Web exploiting spatial data of a web document. In DEXA 2010 : Database and Expert Systems Applications: proceedings. - Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 2010, p. 27-31. ISBN 978-0-7695-4174-7. ISSN 1529-4188. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1109/DEXA.2010.27 Typ: ADMB
    [2.1] KOLLAR, Jan - VAGAC, Michal. ASPECT-ORIENTED APPROACH TO METAMODEL ABSTRACTION. In COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS. ISSN 1335-9150, 2012, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 983-1002., Registrované v: WOS
    [3] CRNIŠANIN, A.B. - RANČIĆ, D.D. - SPALEVIĆ, P.Ć. Architecture of integrated gis and GPS for vehicle monitoring. In 1st Logistics International Conference. 2013, pp. 67-71.
    [3] NAVRAT, P. Cognitive traveling in digital space: from keyword search through exploratory information seeking. In Open Computer Science. 2012, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 170-182.
    [4] NÁVRAT, P. From keyword search towards exploratory information seeking, and beyond. In International Scientific Conference INFORMATICS 2011. 2011, pp. 9-15.
  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal. Model extrakcie informácií pre platformu Java. In ZNALOSTI 2010 : Sborník příspěvků 9. ročníku konference. Editor Pavel Smrž. - Praha : Vysoká škola technická v Praze, 2010, p. 195-198. ISBN 978-80-245-1636-3. Typ: AEC
  • KVASSAY, Marcel - LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan. Reconstructing social networks from emails. In DATESO 2010 : databases, text, specifications, objects. - Praha : MATFYZPRESS publishing house, 2010, p. 50-59. ISBN 978-80-7378-116-3. Typ: ADMB
    [1.2] BURKHART, Thomas - WERTH, Dirk - LOOS, Peter. Context-sensitive business process support based on emails. In WWW'12 Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on World Wide Web Companion, 2012-05-21, pp. 851-855., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] ZENG, Zhi - LIU, Ren Yi - ZHANG, Feng - LIU, Nan. A multi-core parallel fusion algorithm for remote-sensing image. In 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, ICMT 2010, 2010-12-01, pp. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMULT.2010.5631063, Registrované v: SCOPUS
  • KVASSAY, Marcel - LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Graph transformations for semantic email search. In 5th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies : WIKT 2010 proceedings. Eds M. Laclavík, L. Hluchý. - Bratislava : Ústav informatiky SAV, 2010, p. 64-67. ISBN 978-80-970145-2-0. Typ: AED
  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - ŠELENG, Martin - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - GATIAL, Emil - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Tools for email based recommendation in enterprise. In ENTERprise Information Systems : CENTERIS 2010. - Berlin : Springer, 2010, part I, p. 209-218. ISBN 978-3-642-16401-9. ISSN 1865-0929. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-16402-6_23 Typ: ADMB
    [1.1] VACEK, Milos. How To Survive Email. In 2014 IEEE 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND INFORMATICS (SACI), 2014, vol., no., pp. 49-54., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] VACEK, Milos. Latent Email Communication Patterns. In COMPUTATIONAL COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE, ICCCI 2016, PT I. ISSN 0302-9743, 2016, vol. 9875, no., pp. 580-589., Registrované v: WOS
    [3] VACEK, M. Email Overload: Causes, Consequences and the Future. In International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering. 2014, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 170-176.
  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - ŠELENG, Martin - GATIAL, Emil - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - BALOGH, Zoltán - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav - JECKEL, Eugen - HORVÁTH, Pavol. AIIA: adaptívna platforma na podporu interoperability v súkromnom a verejnom sektore. In ZNALOSTI 2010 : Sborník příspěvků 9. ročníku konference. Editor Pavel Smrž. - Praha : Vysoká škola technická v Praze, 2010, p. 227-230. ISBN 978-80-245-1636-3. Typ: AEC
  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - KVASSAY, Marcel - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Use of email social networks for enterprise benefit. In WI-IAT 2010 : the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. Eds X.J. Huang, I. King, V. Raghavan, S. Rueger. - Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 2010, p. 67-70. ISBN 978-0-7695-4191-4. Typ: AEC
    [3.1] BIER, E.A. - BRDICZKA, O. Generating a relationship visualization for nonhomogeneous entities. United States Patent No. 9721039 B2. 2017.
    [3] NAVRAT, P. Cognitive traveling in digital space: from keyword search through exploratory information seeking. In Open Computer Science. 2012, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 170-182.
    [3] SWACHA, J. An e-mail Exchange Analysis Framework for Project Management Support. In Informatyka Ekonomiczna Business Informatics. 2011, no. 202, pp. 88-96.
    [3] SWACHA, J. Analiza sieci społecznych jako źródło wiedzy o czynnikach ryzyka dla funkcjonowania organizacji. In Drogi dochodzenia do społeczeństwa informacyjnego. 2011, pp. 565-572.
    [4] NÁVRAT, P. From keyword search towards exploratory information seeking, and beyond. In International Scientific Conference INFORMATICS 2011. 2011, pp. 9-15.
  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - KVASSAY, Marcel - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav - WRZESZCZ, Michał - KRÓL, Dariusz - KITOWSKI, Jacek. Using parallelization for simulation of human behaviour. In GCCP 2011 : 7th International Workshop on Grid Computing for Complex Problems. - Bratislava : Institute of Informatics SAS, 2011, p. 258-265. ISBN 978-80-970145-5-1. Typ: AFDA
    [1.1] RAUCH, Lukasz - GORECKI, Grzegorz - PIETRZYK, Maciej - MACIOL, Piotr. Metamodelling with Artificial Neural Networks by using High Performance Computing infrastructures. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19TH INTERNATIONAL ESAFORM CONFERENCE ON MATERIAL FORMING (ESAFORM 2016). ISSN 0094-243X, 2016, vol. 1769, no., pp., Registrované v: WOS
  • HLUCHÝ, Ladislav - KVASSAY, Marcel - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - SCHNEIDER, Bernhard - BRACKER, Holger - KRYZA, Bartosz - KITOWSKI, Jacek. Handling internal complexity in highly realistic agent-based models of human behaviour. In 6th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics : SACI 2011. - IEEE, 2011, p. 11-16. ISBN 978-1-4244-9107-0. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1109/SACI.2011.5873089 Typ: ADMB
    [1.2] ALRIZQ, Mesfer - DE DONCKER, Elise - FONG, Alvis. Changing Energy Consumption Patterns Based on Multi-Agent Human Behavior Modeling for Analyzing the Effects of Feedback Techniques. In 2019 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, PECI 2019, 2019-04-24, pp., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [3.1] GASIOROWSKI, P. - VASSILEV, V. - OUAZZANE, K. Simulation-based visual analysis of individual and group dynamic behavior. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV'16). 2016, pp. 303-309.
    [3] PATRIX, J. Détection de comportements à travers des modèles multi-agents collaboratifs, appliquée à l'évaluation de la situation, notamment en environnement asymétrique avec des données imprécises et incertaines. Thèse de doctorat. Université de Caen. 2013, 191 p.
  • KVASSAY, Marcel - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav - KRYZA, Bartosz - KITOWSKI, Jacek - ŠELENG, Martin - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal. Combining object-oriented and ontology based approaches in human behaviour modelling. In SAMI 2011 : 9th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics. - Budapest : IEEE, 2011, p. 177-182. ISBN 978-1-4244-7428-8. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1109/SAMI.2011.5738871 Typ: ADMB
    [3] PATRIX, J. Détection de comportements à travers des modèles multi-agents collaboratifs, appliquée à l'évaluation de la situation, notamment en environnement asymétrique avec des données imprécises et incertaines. Thèse de doctorat. Université de Caen. 2013, 191 pp.
  • KVASSAY, Marcel - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Comparing the spread of activation with the nearest neighbour method in semantic email search. In ZNALOSTI 2011 : sborník příspěvků 10. ročníku konference. - Ostrava : Fakulta elektroniky a informatiky, VŠB, 2011, p. 275-278. ISBN 978-80-248-2369-0. Typ: AEC
  • KVASSAY, Marcel - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal - ŠELENG, Martin - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Návrh systému pre simulácie správania sa davu v mestskom prostredí. In 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies : WIKT 2011 proceedings. - Košice : Centre for Information Technologies, FEI TU Košice, 2011, p. 103-108. ISBN 978-80-89284-99-3. Typ: AED
  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - ŠELENG, Martin - KVASSAY, Marcel - GATIAL, Emil - BALOGH, Zoltán - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Email analysis and information extraction for enterprise benefit. In Computing and informatics, 2011, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 57-87. (2010: 0.356 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.178 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2011 - Current Contents). ISSN 1335-9150. Typ: ADDA
    [1.1] ALBERTS, Inge - FOREST, Dominic. Email pragmatics and automatic classification: A study in the organizational context. In JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 1532-2882, 2012, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 904., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] CENTOBELLI, Piera - CERCHIONE, Roberto - ESPOSITO, Emilio - SHASHI. Evaluating environmental sustainability strategies in freight transport and logistics industry. In BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. ISSN 0964-4733, 2020, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 1563-1574., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] CENTOBELLI, Piera - CERCHIONE, Roberto - ESPOSITO, Emilio. Developing the WH2 framework for environmental sustainability in logistics service providers: A taxonomy of green initiatives. In JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. ISSN 0959-6526, 2017, vol. 165, no., pp. 1063-1077., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] GENTILE, Anna Lisa - LANFRANCHI, Vitaveska - MAZUMDAR, Suvodeep - CIRAVEGNA, Fabio. Extracting Semantic User Networks from Informal Communication Exchanges. In SEMANTIC WEB ISWC 2011, PT I. ISSN 0302-9743, 2011, vol. 7031, no., pp. 209-224., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] GRAETHER, Wolfgang - MATRANGA, Isabel - SAVARINO, Vincenzo - FURDIK, Karol - TOMASEK, Martin. Improving Collaboration Between Large and Small Enterprises Using Networked Services. In RISKS AND RESILIENCE OF COLLABORATIVE NETWORKS. ISSN 1868-4238, 2015, vol. 463, no., pp. 201-208., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] HADASCH, Frank - MAEDCHE, Alexander - GREGOR, Shirley. The influence of directive explanations on users' business process compliance performance. In BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. ISSN 1463-7154, 2016, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 458-483., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] LI, Binyang - WONG, Kam-fai - ZHOU, Lanjun - WEI, Zhongyu - XU, Jun. Pests Hidden in Your Fans: An Effective Approach for Opinion Leader Discovery. In CHINESE COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS AND NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING BASED ON NATURALLY ANNOTATED BIG DATA. ISSN 0302-9743, 2013, vol. 8208, no., pp. 227-237., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] LIU, Nana. Rapid Classification and Analysis for E-Commerce Goods Based on Multitask Learning. In SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, 2021, vol. 2021, no., pp. ISSN 1939-0114. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/1725544, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] LUKAC, Gabriel - SABOL, Tomas - TOMASEK, Martin - FURDIK, Karol. A process-oriented service infrastructure for networked enterprises. In ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS. ISSN 1567-4223, 2017, vol. 21, no., pp. 1-16., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] MARIN, Cesar A. - LOPARDO, Gabriel - MEHANDJIEV, Nikolay. A Diversity Analysis of the Impact of an Interoperability Tool to a Business Ecosystem. In 2011 20TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS ON ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR COLLABORATIVE ENTERPRISES (WETICE). ISSN 1524-4547, 2011, vol., no., pp. 35., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] RANJAN, Kunal - DEY, Lipika. Email Analytics for Support Center Performance Analysis. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW), 2014, vol., no., pp. 810-817., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] TAMME, Tonu. Simplifying Email Management. In HUMAN LANGUAGE TECHNOLOGIES: THE BALTIC PERSPECTIVE. ISSN 0922-6389, 2012, vol. 247, no., pp. 230., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] WAJID, Usman - DE LA HIDALGA, Abraham Nieva - CARPENTER, Martin - MARIN, Cesar A. Email-based Negotiation to Facilitate Collaboration in SME Networks. In 2011 20TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS ON ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR COLLABORATIVE ENTERPRISES (WETICE). ISSN 1524-4547, 2011, vol., no., pp. 19., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] WAJID, Usman - NAMOUN, Abdallah - MARIN, Cesar A. - MEHANDJIEV, Nikolay. Designing and evaluating a system of document recognition to support interoperability among collaborative enterprises. In COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY. ISSN 0166-3615, 2013, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 598., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.2] DORN, Christoph - DUSTDAR, Schahram. Supporting dynamic, people-driven processes through self-learning of message flows. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). ISSN 03029743, 2011-07-19, 6741 LNCS, pp. 657-671., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] DORN, Christoph - MARÍN, César A. - MEHANDJIEV, Nikolay - DUSTDAR, Schahram. Self-learning predictor aggregation for the evolution of people-driven ad-hoc processes. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). ISSN 03029743, 2011-09-20, 6896 LNCS, pp. 215-230., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] GENTILE, A. L. - CANO, A. E. - DADZIE, A. S. - LANFRANCHI, V. - IRESON, N. Does size matter? when small is good enough. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 16130073, 2011-12-01, 718, pp. 45-56., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] HASSANI, Hossein - BENEKI, Christina - UNGER, Stephan - MAZINANI, Maedeh Taj - YEGANEGI, Mohammad Reza. Text mining in big data analytics. In Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 2020-03-01, 4, 1, pp. 1-34., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] MIRANDA HENRÍQUEZ, Carlos - GUZMÁN, Jaime. Information extraction from the web to identify actions of an automated planning domain model | Extracción de información desde la web para identificar acciones de un modelo de dominio en planificación automática. In Ingeniare. ISSN 07183291, 2015-01-01, 23, 3, pp. 439-448., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] RAUSCHER, François - MATTA, Nada - ATIFI, Hassan. Context aware knowledge zoning: Traceability and business emails. In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. ISSN 18684238, 2016-01-01, 497, pp. 66-79., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] RISS, Uwe V. Email between private use and organizational purpose. In WWW'12 Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on World Wide Web Companion, 2012-05-21, pp. 837-839., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [3.1] KHAN, M. - KHAN, S.S. - ALHARBI, Y. Text mining challenges and applications, a comprehensive review. In International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS). ISSN1738-7906, 2020, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 138-148.
    [3.1] NAIR, A.M. - JUSTUS, A.A. - RAMESH, A. - MR, B.R. Event extraction from emails. In International Journal of Computer Applications. ISBN 0975-8887, 2020, vol. 975, pp. 1-8.
    [3] HENRIQUEZ MIRANDA, C. - GUZMÁN LUNA, Jaime. Identificar entidades para un modelo de acción en Planificación Automática. In VI Congreso Internacional de Computación y Telecomunicaciobes. COMTEL 2014. 2014, pp. 145-150.
    [3] HENRIQUEZ MIRANDA, C. - GUZMÁN, J.A. Model information extraction from the web based on design patterns (Modelo de extracción de información desde recursos web para aplicaciones de la planificación automática). In Prospectiva. 2012, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 74-80.
    [3] KACHARE, A. Analysis and visualization of e-mail communication using graph template language. In SAS Global Forum 2013, Reporting and Information Visualization. 2013, 14 p.
  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - ŠELENG, Martin - KVASSAY, Marcel - SCHNEIDER, Bernhard - BRACKER, Holger - WRZESZCZ, Michał - KITOWSKI, Jacek - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Agent-based simulation platform evaluation in the context of human behavior modeling. In AAMAS 2011 : the tenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. - Berlin : Springer, 2011, lNAI 7068, p. 396-410. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27216-5_30 Typ: ADMA
    [1.1] ARADEA - SUWARDI, Iping Supriana - SURENDRO, Kridanto. An Overview of Multi Agent System Approach in Knowledge Management Model. In 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS AND INNOVATION (ICITSI), 2014, vol., no., pp. 62-69., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] LEE, Jae Woong - HELAL, Abdelsalam - SUNG, Yunsick - CHO, Kyungeun. Context-driven Control Algorithms for Scalable Simulation of Human Activities in Smart Homes. In 2013 IEEE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AND 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMIC AND TRUSTED COMPUTING (UIC/ATC) UBIQUITOUS INTELLIGENCE AND COMPUTING, 2013, vol., no., pp. 285-292., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] MILLER, Matt L. - RINGELMAN, Kevin M. - SCHANK, Jeffrey C. - EADIE, John M. SWAMP: An agent-based model for wetland and waterfowl conservation management. In SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL. ISSN 0037-5497, 2014, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 52-68., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] RODEMANN, Tobias - ECKHARDT, Tom - UNGER, Rene - SCHWAN, Torsten. Using Agent-Based Customer Modeling for the Evaluation of EV Charging Systems. In ENERGIES, 2019, vol. 12, no. 15, pp., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.2] BAJRACHARYA, Kishoj - DUBOZ, Raphael. Comparison of three agent-based platforms on the basis of a simple epidemiological model (WIP). In Simulation Series. ISSN 07359276, 2013-05-03, 45, 4, pp. 48-53., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] BRUZZONE, Agostino - MASSEI, Marina - LONGO, Francesco - POGGI, Simonluca - AGRESTA, Matteo - BARTOLUCCI, Christian - NICOLETTI, Letizia. Human behavior simulation for complex scenarios based on intelligent agents. In Simulation Series. ISSN 07359276, 2014-01-01, 46, 2, pp. 71-80., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] LEE, Jae Woong - HELAL, Abdelsalam - SUNG, Yunsick - CHO, Kyungeun. A context-driven approach to scalable human activity simulation. In SIGSIM-PADS 2013 Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSIM Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, 2013-06-11, pp. 373-378., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] LEE, Jae Woong - HELAL, Abdelsalam - SUNG, Yunsick - CHO, Kyungeun. Context activity selection and scheduling in context-driven simulation. In Simulation Series. ISSN 07359276, 2014-01-01, 46, 4, pp. 60-67., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [3.1] ADAM, C. - TAILLANDIER, P. - DUGDALE, J. - GAUDOU, B. BDI vs FSM agents in social simulations for raising awareness in disasters: A case study in Melbourne bushfires. In International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM). 2017, vol. 9, no.1, pp. 27-44. doi: 10.4018/IJISCRAM.2017010103.
    [3.1] ADAM, C. - TAILLANDIER, P. - DUGDALE, J. Comparing agent architectures in social simulation: BDI agents versus finite-state machines. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ISBN 978-0-9981331-0-2, 2017, pp. 267- 273.
    [3.1] HOZHABROSSADATIA, S.M. Simulating crowd behavior using artificial potential fields: An agent-based simulation approach. In Journal of Systems Thinking in Practice (JSTINP 2022). 2022, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 50-71. doi: 10.22067/jstinp.2022.76299.1009.
    [3.1] METZ, T. Agent-based modeling (ABM). In Neue Trends in den Sozialwissenschaften. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-658-17188-9, 2017, pp. 11-50.
    [3] KITTAN, S. - KÄSTNER, W. Analyse des Potentials von Multi-Agenten-Simulation und Zellulären Automaten zur Nachbildung der Anlagerungsprozesse von Isolationsmaterial an Rückhaltevorrichtungen. In Proceedings 21. Workshop Computational Intelligence. 2011, pp. 257-268.
  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - KVASSAY, Marcel - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Email social network extraction and search. In The 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. - Los Alamitos : IEEE Computer Society, 2011, p. 373-376. ISBN 978-0-7695-4513-4. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1109/WI-IAT.2011.30 Typ: ADMB
    [1.1] KWONG, Helen - YORKE-SMITH, Neil. Detection of imperative and declarative question-answer pairs in email conversations. In AI COMMUNICATIONS. ISSN 0921-7126, 2012, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 271-283., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] YIN, Meijuan - LIU, Xiaonan - LUO, Junyong - LIU, Yan - TANG, Ziqi. Measuring Social Relations in the Web based on Search Engine and Text Analysis: A Model and Implementation. In JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 1607-9264, 2018, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 459-470., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.2] MERTENS, Christian - NÜRNBERGER, Andreas. DMISTA: Conceptual Data Model for Interactions in Support Ticket Administration. In International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS Proceedings, 2022-01-01, 1, pp. 112-119. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.5220/0010999100003179, Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] TSIPENYUK, Gregory - CROWCROFT, Jon. An email attachment is worth a thousand words, or is it? In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2017-10-17, pp., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [3.1] HRISTOSKI, I. - STOJANOV, J. - STOJANOV, Ž. Design considerations for a generic graph database in archival document management. In 13th International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies (AIIT2023). eISBN 978-608-5003-03-7, 2023, pp. 360-367.
    [3.1] IQBAL, K. - KHAN, M.Y. - WASI, S. - MAHBOOB, S. - AHMED, T. On extraction of event information from social text streams: An unpretentious NLP solution. In International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS). ISSN 1738-7906, 2019, vol. 19, no. 9, 10 p.
    [3] ABBOTT, M.J. - JALBERT, C.P. - KOEBLER, E.R. Server-side search of email attachments. 2013, United States Patent No 8600970 B2.
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  • ŠELENG, Martin - LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Dostupné škálovateľné riešenia pre spracovanie veľkého objemu dát a dátové sklady. In DATAKON 2011 : tutorials. - Brno : Brno Univerity of Technology, 2011, p. 1-22. ISBN 978-80-214-4330-3. Typ: AEC
  • ŠELENG, Martin - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Vyhľadávanie v pracovných ponukách s podporou sémantiky. In 6th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies : WIKT 2011 proceedings. - Košice : Centre for Information Technologies, FEI TU Košice, 2011, p. 65-70. ISBN 978-80-89284-99-3. Typ: AED
  • ŠELENG, Martin - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Distributed crawling and semantic search in internet resources. In GCCP 2011 : 7th International Workshop on Grid Computing for Complex Problems. - Bratislava : Institute of Informatics SAS, 2011, p. 283-289. ISBN 978-80-970145-5-1. Typ: AFDA
  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - ŠELENG, Martin - LACLAVÍK, Michal - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Distributed web-scale infrastructure for crawling, indexing and search with semantic support. In Computer Science Journal, 2012, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 5-19. ISSN 1508-2806. Typ: ADMB
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  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal - ŠELENG, Martin - CIGLAN, Marek - TOMAŠEK, Martin - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Advanced email search in small enterprises. In 7th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies. - Bratislava : Nakladateľstvo STU, 2012, p. 23-26. ISBN 978-80-227-3812-5. Typ: AFDA
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  • KVASSAY, Marcel - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal - TAVČAR, Aleš - GAMS, Matjaž - SCHNEIDER, Bernhard - BRACKER, Holger - KRÓL, Dariusz - WRZESZCZ, Michał - KITOWSKI, Jacek. An integrated approach to mission analysis and mission rehearsal. In Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference. - Berlin : IEEE, 2012, 2 p. ISBN 978-1-4673-4781-5. Typ: AEC
  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - ŠELENG, Martin - CIGLAN, Marek - TOMAŠEK, Martin - KVASSAY, Marcel - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Lightweight semantic approach for enterprise search and interoperability. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2012, vol. 915, p. 35-42. ISSN 1613-0073. Typ: ADMB
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  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - ŠELENG, Martin - CIGLAN, Marek - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Emails as graph: relation discovery in email archive. In WWW´12 Companion Proceedings of the 21st International Conference companion on World Wide Web. - New York : ACM, 2012, 841-846. ISBN 978-1-4503-1230-1. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1145/2187980.2188210 Typ: ADMB
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  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - CIGLAN, Marek - LACLAVÍK, Michal. Evaluation of named entity recognition tools on microposts. In INES 2013 : 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2013. - Budapest : IEEE Industrial Electronic Society, 2013, p. 197-202. ISBN 978-1-4799-0830-1. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1109/INES.2013.6632810 Typ: ADMB
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  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - BLANÁRIK, M. Experimenting with Slovak Wikipedia as a source for language technologies. In Natural language processing, corpus linguistics, E-learning : proceedings. Eds. Gajdošová, K., Žáková, A. - Lüdenscheid : RAM-Verlag, 2013, p. 160-165. ISBN 978-3-942303-18-7. Typ: AFDA
  • NGUYEN, Giang - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal - ŠELENG, Martin. Token gazetteer and character gazetteer for named entity recognition. In 8th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies : WIKT 2013 proceedings. Eds. Babič, F., Paralič, J. - Košice : Centre for Information Technologies, Technical University in Košice, 2013, p. 1-6. ISBN 978-80-8143-128-9. Typ: AED
  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - NGUYEN, Giang - LACLAVÍK, Michal - ŠELENG, Martin. Character gazetteer for named entity recognition with linear matching complexity. In Proceedings of the 2013 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies : WICT 2013. - IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, Spain Chapter, 2013, p. 364-368. ISBN 978-1-4799-3230-6. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1109/WICT.2013.7113096 Typ: ADMB
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  • DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - KRAMMER, Peter - CIGLAN, Marek - LACLAVÍK, Michal - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Combining named entity recognition methods for concept extraction in microposts. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings : #Microposts2014: Making sense of microposts: big thing come in small packages, 2014, vol. 1141, p. 34-41. (2013: 0.193 - SJR). ISSN 1613-0073. Typ: ADMB
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  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - CIGLAN, Marek. Discovering relations by entity search in lightweight semantic text graphs. In Computing and informatics, 2014, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 877-906. (2013: 0.319 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.277 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2014 - Current Contents). ISSN 1335-9150. Typ: ADDA
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  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - CIGLAN, Marek - DORMAN, Alex - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - STEINGOLD, Sam - ŠELENG, Martin. A search based approach to entity recognition: Magnetic and IISAS team at ERD challenge. In Proceedings of the first international workshop on entity recognition & disambiguation : ERD '14. - New York : ACM, 2014, p. 63-68. ISBN 978-1-45033023-7. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1145/2633211.2634352 (The 37th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval : SIGIR 2014) Typ: ADMB
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  • NGUYEN, Giang - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - LACLAVÍK, Michal - ŠELENG, Martin - TRAN, Viet. Next improvement towards linear named entity recognition using character gazetteers. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing : Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering, 2014, vol. 282, p. 255-265. ISBN 978-3-319-06568-7. ISSN 2194-5357. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-06569-4_19 Typ: ADMB
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  • ŠELENG, Martin - LACLAVÍK, Michal - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - CIGLAN, Marek - TOMAŠEK, Martin - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav. Approach for enterprise search and interoperability using lightweight semantic. In IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems : INES 2014. - Budapest : IEEE, 2014, p. 15-20. ISBN 978-1-4799-4616-7. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1109/INES.2014.6909373 Typ: ADMB
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  • KVASSAY, Marcel - HLUCHÝ, Ladislav - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan - SCHNEIDER, Bernhard - BRACKER, Holger - TAVČAR, Aleš - GAMS, Matjaž - CONTAT, Marc - DUTKA, Łukasz - KRÓL, Dariusz - WRZESZCZ, Michał - KITOWSKI, Jacek. A novel way of using simulations to support urban security operations. In Computing and informatics, 2015, vol. 34, no. 6, p. 1201-1233. (2014: 0.504 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.259 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2015 - Current Contents). ISSN 1335-9150. Typ: ADDA
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  • LACLAVÍK, Michal - CIGLAN, Marek - STEINGOLD, Sam - ŠELENG, Martin - DORMAN, Alex - DLUGOLINSKÝ, Štefan. Search query categorization at scale. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web : WWW '15 Companion. - New York : ACM, 2015, p. 1281-1286. ISBN 978-1-4503-3473-0. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1145/2740908.2741995 (International World Wide Web Conference : WWW '15) Typ: ADMB
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