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27. 4. 2018 | videné 377-krát

Ako sme Vás  informovali MSVVaS SR a Ministerstvo pre vedu a technologie Izraela vyhlasili 18.4. výzvu na spolocne slovensko-izraelske projekty R&D.


Dr. Uri Shaniho, z Enterprise Systems Modeling Laboratory /Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management/ Technion University.

Hhadá partnera a na predlozenie spolocneho projektu. Zameranie je podrobnejsie popisane nizsie v maili.

Vyhoda timu z Technion University je v tom, ze grantovy system ministerstva poznaju a uspeli v nom uz v minulosti (spolu so slovinskym partnerom).

Prosíme priamo kontaktovať Dr. Shaniho.

Uzavierka vyzvy je uz 18.6.2018.


Our lab is the Enterprise Systems Modeling Laboratory (http://esml.iem.technion.ac.il/) – ESML.

We own the ISO 19450:2015 OPM standard which is the Object Process Methodology developed by Prof. Dov Dori and his students.

This is a most advanced and powerful MBSE (Model Based System engineering) methodology and tools, which can model a system or a problem domain from the conceptual level, and on to a practical instance solution that can be simulated and executed in round-trip engineering.

As such, we seek to broaden and strengthen our tools and methodology by working on problems in different domains.

So far, OPM has been used in traditional system engineering such as aerospace, home appliances, etc., is now pursuing solutions in the FOOD industries of Israel, it has been used to model biological systems and organizations (such as large enterprises). The tools we develop are now in their second generation being cloud and web based.

In the context of autonomous cars, we suggest to team up with researchers who deal with any of the many aspects of that domain. That can be the management of car fleets, the interaction between the passengers and the car, the driver and the car, the design of complementary services that go in such environments and so on. Our role would be in the design and analysis of solutions, simulations and so on.

In my earlier note I mentioned the proposal we submitted to do with the University of Lijubliana in the domain of the elderly society. That is in a way related to the options I raised above involving the smart environment of the driver/passengers and the autonomous/smart car. Our tools can be used to define for instance that interaction, starting with concepts, ontological descriptions, design of the discourse of interaction using various technologies including natural and spoken languages, connection with information sources, and so on to a demonstrable solution.

I myself have just retired from the IBM Research Lab in Haifa, where I led several EU projects in the MBSE area, Factorie 4.0, and product services. I plan to be involved in this project as well as the best people in our lab, planning to also include a graduate student work in it.


Dr. Uri Shani
Enterprise Systems Modeling Laboratory OPM - ISO 19450:2015
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management Bloomfield 121
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 3200003, Israel s.uri@technion.ac.il
cell: +972546976282