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Workshop "Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to Responsible Research Practices in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences"

25. 7. 2017 | videné 392-krát

IAP and TWAS are working with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to host an event in Trieste on 12-15 September.
Information on the call for nominations to attend the workshop, "Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to Responsible Research Practices in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences", is available via: http://www.interacademies.net/2952/31277.aspx
Please can you circulate the notice via your networks to anyone interested in applying.
Queries about the workshop or on the application process should be addressed to Mr. Zinoviev (Sergey.Zinoviev@opcw.org  with cc to  leonie.strootman@opcw.org).


The deadline for applications is 1 August.

Peter McGrath

InterAcademy Partnership: www.interacademies.org
IAP for Science: www.interacademies.net
IAP for Health: www.iamp-online.org

ICTP campus
Strada Costiera 11
Trieste 34151
Tel: +39 040 2240 571
Fax: +39 040 224559
Email: mcgrath@twas.org <mailto:mcgrath@twas.org>
