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ERACoSysMed Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2017

31. 1. 2017 | videné 652-krát

ERACoSysMed Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2017

“2nd Joint Transnational Call for European Research Projects on Systems Medicine”


Call for proposals opening: 03/02/2017

Proposals submission deadline: 17/03/2017 (17:00h C.E.T.)


ERACoSysMed is a network of 15 funding organisations from 13 countries. The central aim of ERACoSysMed is to enhance the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts, research and practice throughout Europe and Israel by structuring, coordinating and integrating national efforts and investments. ERACoSysMed is a five year programme funded under the European Commission ERA-NET Cofund scheme in the H2020 Horizon programme which has begun in January 2015.

The call has been published on the eracosysmed website, as scheduled: https://www.eracosysmed.eu/calls/jtc-2-2017


TOPICS of the call:

·      Understanding of disease complexity, early diagnosis of disease and the re-definition of disease phenotypes that will lead to better patient stratification.

·      Understanding the influence of differences like gender, age, ethnicity or other relevant data for the development and treatment of diseases at an individual level.

·      Investigation of shared common early pathways among diseases such as metabolism, immunology and cell proliferation to predict disease manifestation and progression.

·      Exploitation of the prognostic, diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic value of existing clinical material and data or, where relevant, appropriate models.

·      Refinement of experimental design and of prospective clinical data collection in newly set cohorts with the use of computational models that lead to a better understanding of the biological processes that play a fundamental role in complex diseases and identify key common underlying mechanisms.

·      Definition of a clear strategy to clinically validate the outcomes of the project, including the validation of the predictions of in silico computational models that will be developed using experimental and already available clinical datasets.

·      Proposals should provide clear evidence on how they expect to access appropriate, relevant and already available clinical material and associated data (patient cohorts with comprehensive clinical characterisation/annotation).


Predsedníctvo SAV uznesením č  229 súhlasilo so zapojením SAV do spoločnej výzvy ERACoSysMed Joint Transnational Call for Proposals 2017 a s finančnou podporou 1 výskumného projektu vo výške do 40.000 €/rok (15.000€ kryje príslušný ústav SAV) pre obdobie 3 rokov.


Bližšie informácie Vám poskytne:

Ing. Katarína Bibova, 

odbor OMS Úradu SAV


tel. +421 2 57 51 01 36



Ing. Ján Barančík, PhD.

člen Steering Committee konzorcia ERACoSysMed

za SAV