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[Euronanomed3] ENM call 2017 officialy launched !

16. 11. 2016 | videné 685-krát

Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2017) for

“European Innovative Research & Technological Development Projects in Nanomedicine”





Call budget: 14 M€


EuroNanoMed (ENM) is an ERA-NET on Nanomedicine established in 2008 as a platform for funding agencies and ministries to coordinate research programmes with the goal of creating and funding collaborative research projects that can convert research in nanotechnology into practical gains in medicine.

EuroNanoMed III, together with the European Commission (EC) are happy to announce the launch of the 8th Joint Transnational co-funded Call for proposals for the funding of multilateral innovative research projects in nanomedicine.

The call is opened simultaneously by all participating funding organizations in their respective countries: Belgium / French speaking community, Canada, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan and Turkey



The project proposals must cover at least one of the following areas that are equal in relevance for this call:

a) Regenerative medicine

b) Diagnostics

c) Targeted delivery systems

Proposals may include: identification, characterisation and validation of biomarkers, early diagnosis, convergence of nanotechnology and stem cell technology, cell biology applied to nanomedicine, multimodal imaging agents or techniques, point of care diagnostics (on site sensors), standardised procedures for preparation & characterisation of drug delivery systems, regenerative, gene or cell therapies using nanotechnology and development and use of nanomaterials for medical purposes. Clinical studies are eligible up to the point of proof of concept.


Proposals should show the potential health and/or economic impact and added-value of transnational collaboration.

Each consortium must involve 3-7 partners from at least 3 different countries participating to the call. These partners could come from Academia, Clinical/public health sector and Enterprise depending on national regulations.

Predsedníctvo SAV  uznesením č.  675 súhlasilo so zapojením SAV  a následne výskumných tímov zo SAV do spoločnej výzvy EuroNanoMed III Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2017) a s finančnou podporou 1 výskumného projektu vo výške do 40.000 €/rok (15.000€/rok kryje príslušný ústav SAV) pre obdobie 3 rokov.


Bližšie informácie nájdete na webovej stránke : http://www.euronanomed.net/joint-calls/8th-joint-call-2017-2/

alebo Vám ich poskytne Ing. Katarína Bibova, odbor OMS Úradu SAV.


mail: bibova@up.upsav.sk

tel. +421 2 57 51 01 36



Ing. Ján Barančík, PhD.

člen Steering Committee konzorcia EuroNanoMed III

za SAV


READ MORE:   www.euronanomed.net