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Slovenské mimovládne „rozvojové“ organizácie ako politickí aktéri

In: Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 47, no. 1
Tomáš Profant
Rok, strany: 2015, 113 - 138
Kľúčové slová:
Slovak development cooperation; non-governmental development orga¬nizations; political actors; stereotypes; partnership
Typ článku: štúdia / study
O článku:
Slovak Non-Governmental ‘Development’ Organizations as Political Actors. The article attempts to pose questions about the political character of the Slovak non-governmental „development“ organizations. It first uses three typologies to ask what kind of actor they are. Then it focuses on the period before 1998 to ask about the continuities in the political activities of the NGDOs after 1998 with the NGOs before the fall of Vladimír Mečiar’s government. In the last section it focuses on their advocacy work, reproduction of colonial stereotypes, corruption abroad and the problem of ownership as political issues that are salient for the slovak NGDOs. Sociológia 2015, Vol. 47 (No. 1: 113-138)
Slovak Non-Governmental ‘Development’ Organizations as Political Actors. The article attempts to pose questions about the political character of the Slovak non-governmental „development“ organizations. It first uses three typologies to ask what kind of actor they are. Then it focuses on the period before 1998 to ask about the continuities in the political activities of the NGDOs after 1998 with the NGOs before the fall of Vladimír Mečiar’s government. In the last section it focuses on their advocacy work, reproduction of colonial stereotypes, corruption abroad and the problem of ownership as political issues that are salient for the slovak NGDOs. Sociológia 2015, Vol. 47 (No. 1: 113-138)
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Profant, T. 2015. Slovenské mimovládne „rozvojové“ organizácie ako politickí aktéri. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 47, no.1, pp. 113-138. 0049-1225.

Profant, T. (2015). Slovenské mimovládne „rozvojové“ organizácie ako politickí aktéri. Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, 47(1), 113-138. 0049-1225.