Electronic Library of Scientific Literature


Volume 39, No 4, 1997


33rd Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical and Experimental Research of Higher Nervous Functions (ZIKMUND, V.)
pp. 257

JURKOVIÈOVÁ, J., ÁGHOVÁ, ¼., ŠTEFÁNIKOVÁ. Z., ŠEVÈÍKOVÁ, ¼., NOSKOVÁ, T., SEKRETÁR, S., Cardiovascular disease risk in medical students
pp. 259-262

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, E., BØICHÁÈEK, V., DITTRICHOVÁ, J., SOBOTKOVÁ, D., VONDRÁÈEK, J., Parent's concerns regarding infant development: Kent Infant Development (KID) Scale
pp. 263-265

Ševèíková, ¼., Ághová, ¼., Jurkovièová, J., Štefániková, Z., Sekretár, S., Influence of some family social factors on the lifestyle- associated habits in children
pp. 266-269

KASA, J., MAJHEROVÁ, M., Physical and motor development of children by Eurofit
pp. 270-274

KOVÁÈ., D., et al., Promptness-indicator of the effect of environmental neurotoxins
pp. 275-278

VOŽEH, F., CADDY, K.W.T., MYSLIVEÈEK, J., MOTÁÒOVÁ, A., Some characteristics of early learning in cerebellar degeneration model
pp. 279-281

PAUL, K., DITTRICHOVÁ, Frontal EEG asymmetry in infants
pp. 282-284

JAGLA, F., JERGELOVÁ, M., ZIKMUND, V., Prefrontal correlates of directing the human gaze
pp. 285-287

JERGELOVÁ, M., JAGLA, F., ZIKMUND, V., Neurophysiological manifestations of imagination
pp. 288-290

VICENÍK, K., BARTOK, K., Tactile EEG biofeedback and its EEG spectra response
pp. 291-293

SHEARDOVÁ, K., KUKLETA, M., The spatial distribution of SCP accompanying different types of decisions
pp. 294-297

HLAVAÈKA, F., MERGNER, Th., BOLHA, B., Frequency characteristic of human self-motion perception during translatory and rotatory stimulation
pp. 298-300

BRÁZDIL, M., REKTOR, I., DUFEK, M., DANIEL, P., Intracerebral registration of event-related potentials elicited during visual discrimination task
pp. 301

BARCAL, J., KUÈEROVÁ, J., MYSLIVEÈEK, J., ZÁHLAVA, J., The effect of nitric oxide on bioelectrical brain activity
pp. 302-304

ŠTULRAJTER, V., SCHOLZOVÁ, A., ŠLEBODA, M., DLHOŠ, M., MIKLÁNEK, A., Laboratory and field heart rate measurements as a factor of performance and training state
pp. 305-307

LIPKOVÁ, J., ŠTULRAJTER, V., NOROVSKÝ, P., MIKLÁNEK, A., Relation between the motor and reaction abilities and the performance of young ice-hockey goalkeepers
pp. 308-310

THURZOVÁ, E., DLHOŠ, M., Laterality of muscle function disturbances in young athletes
pp. 311-312

PSALMAN, V., Reaction and balance abilities in the sport of windsurfing
pp. 313-317

ŠTOURAÈOVÁ, Y., ZNOJIL, V., KUKLETA, M., Hostility, social environment and emotional load in healthy adult population
pp. 318-320

ROKYTA, R., YAMAMOTO, A., RAŠKOVÁ, H., STAREC, M., The changes of stress parameters in different strains of rats
pp. 321-324

KUKLETA, M., DUFEK, J., REKTOR, I., Possible mechanism of functional dystonia of the hand induced by a psychological conflict
pp. 325-327

SVOBODOVÁ, J., TRNKA, J., Breathing in the treatment of anxiety neurosis and polyalgic syndrome
pp. 328-329

KOUPILOVÁ, M., PATOÈKA, J., HERINK, J., The effect of some penta- and hexapeptides on amnestic syndrome elicited by 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate in rats
pp. 330-332

GOLDA, V., Glucose intolerance in the genetically hypertensive Koletsky rats induced by brain oligemic hypoxia: Its alleviation by terguride
pp. 333-334