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Section Botany

ISSN 0006-3088


BIOLOGIA, Bratislava is an international journal covering all fields of botany (Section Botany), zoology (Section Zoology) and cellular and molecular biology (Section Cellular an molecular biology). Biologia accepts original research and theoretical papers, concise review articles, letters to editors. Short floristical notes can be accepted in Section Botany, if they deal with first records of plant species in Slovakia.

Biologia is a continuation of the journals Prírodovedný zborník (vol. 1-5), Biologický zborník (vol. 6-7) and Biológia, Bratislava (vol. 8-48).

Published by:
The Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Distribution by:
Slovak Academic Press, Ltd. P.O.Box 57, Nám slobody 6, SK-810 05 Bratislava

Subscription orders and inquiries should be addressed to the distributor, orders from abroad should be sent to SLOVART G.T.G. Ltd., Krupinská 4, P.O.Box 152, SK-852 99 Bratislava.

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