Electronic Library of Scientific Literature - © Academic Electronic Press


Volume XLIX, 2002 / No 6



Review 503

Transformations of genre functions – a sketch of Tajovský

Marcela Mikulová, Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, Bratislava

Between the 19th and 20th century sketch as a genre has function as ”a code of the period. ” Because of its relevance, making analogy to lyric, it can be consider as a ”commercial”, everyday written literature. The sketch of Tajovský disposes with an inner tension of fragment. Its characteristic feature is elegiac discrepancy between old and new one, basic existential universalities as good and evil or birth and death. Sketch is an open polemic with a big epic based on presumption of possibility to show trustworthy picture of totality of the world. It is potential to be in close touch with life but at the same time it has ability of mythological draft so it is generally valid and universal. Tajovský gave to sketch a new and relevant content – he put his semantic stress on human suffering, falling, compassion. He even implanted some legend, ode and hagiography features to the sketch. A reader had an impression of authenticity and direct communication because of various literary means – from intervention of a direct narrator to the text to using of authenticity of a folk language. The sketch was very communicative understandable, and open because of its simplicity and triviality. It bore potency of renewing a degenerated, mocked-up culture.

In the labyrinth of derivations (Probe into Modernism)

Tomáš H o r v á t h, Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, Bratislava

The study continues in the next number.

To some aspects of the Ondruš’s book of poems Mužské korenie (A male pepper after) three decades

Zoltán Rédey, Ústav literárnej a umeleckej komunikácie UKF, Nitra

The author of the text takes attention to the ”jubilee commemorated” book of poems by Ján Ondruš Mužské korenie po troch desaťročiach (A male pepper after three decades), mainly to the final poetic composition Chodec po povraze (A walker on the rope). The poem brings a special problems of interpretation. The contribution itself is not intended to overcome the frame of lightly proceeding, consequently successive description of developing interpretative record, a free interpretative sketch – with the use or ”functional usage” of some basic knowledge from the philosophical conception of Emmanuel Lévinas. The contribution could be understood as an attempt to reconstruct the model semiosis of one the most ”enigmatist” poetic texts of J. Ondruš, it is going to be a ”presentation” of possible reception-interpretative process with the help of all explanative improvisation and methodological- ananlytic ”openness”. In this similarity the mentioned text represents just a ”presumption”, ”preliminary-descriptive” phase of the literary theory research and an issue of possible systematic and methodological consequent conclusions is still open.