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Výsledky 12. výzvy programu SAS-MOST Joint Research Projects (Taiwan)

25. 11. 2020 | videné 406-krát

Predsedníctvo SAV na svojom 38. zasadnutí dňa 12. novembra 2020 uznesením č. 1122 schválilo financovanie pre víťazné projekty v rámci bilaterálnej vedeckej spolupráce medzi Slovenskou akadémiou vied (SAS) a Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan

12th Call for SAS-MOST Joint Research Projects

Cieľom výzvy bolo podporiť projektovú spoluprácu tímov zo SAV a výskumných inštitúcií na Taiwane. Podané projektové návrhy boli hodnotené paralelne Komisiou SAV pre vyhodnocovanie medzinárodných projektov a príslušným hodnotiacim výborom MOST, Taiwan.

Podaných bolo celkovo 8 projektových návrhov. Z nich boli na financovanie a realizáciu v rokoch 2021 – 2023 vybrané dva projekty:


  1. TNSAA

Názov: Tensor Network States Algorithms and Applications

Slovenský partner: Gendiar, Andrej

Taiwanský partner: Kao, Ying-Jer

Abstrakt: The application of quantum entanglement method, in particular tensor networks, in the context classical and quantum statistical physics has gaining traction in recent years. Tensor networks are now arising as a universal language in all disciplines of contemporary physics, ranging from atomic and condensed matter physics to high energy physics. In this project, we aim to establish a new collaboration between the Slovak and Taiwanese groups at Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) and National Taiwan University (NTU) in the development of algorithms and applications for the tensor network. The expertise in the SAS and NTU groups are complementary and both have extensive experience on the research on the development and application of tensor networks to various areas of physics. Combining the expertise and strengths of both teams, we can achieve the following scientific goals: (1) Development of efficient time-evolution algorithms for 1D/2D tensor networks, (2) Benchmark and improve variational algorithms in tensor networks, (3) Expand the applicability of the tensor networks to study behavior of society, (4) Extension of the existing variational tensor-based algorithms to fractal networks, and (5) Entanglement-entropy studies of hyperbolic spaces in the quantum-gravity theory.


  1. PathogenTracker

Názov: Water/Wastewater epidemiology: Development of robust and reliable molecular detection systems for surveillance of disease outbreaks

Slovenský partner: Pangallo, Domenico

Taiwanský partner: Wu, Jer-Horng

Abstrakt: Before being a health emergency, the COVID-19 pandemic should be considered as a problem related to the unsustainable exploitation of the environment. We retain that the monitoring of the environmental microorganisms and viruses can be a suitable solution to face the next pandemics. Early warning systems are necessary to assess the health status of our cities using the samples recovered from sewage, wastewater, and aquatic environments. These systems can be based on reliable and quick molecular approaches that consent to make prompt decisions against the spreading of dangerous outbreaks. In our project, these molecular systems will be targeted to antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB), Dengue virus (DENV), and SARS-CoV-2. ARB are already a real threat, and many pandemics that have not made so much clamor in media occur periodically. DENV is another dramatic reality in many countries (including Taiwan) of tropical and subtropical regions, but by climate change and globalization, this threat can readily spread to other world regions. SARS-CoV-2 is new, and unfortunately, no therapy and vaccine are available at the moment. Through the cooperative works, we will6develop and optimize several molecular approaches based on qPCR and RT-qPCR techniques. Such PCR assays will reveal and quantify the described pathogens, and they will be coupled with internal amplification controls able to guarantee their efficiency. Our investigation will be completed by the in-depth analysis of viral and microbial communities, including the resistome. This analysis will consent better to understand the viral and bacterial interactions in studied environments. For this purpose, two different high-throughput sequencing platforms, MinION and NovaSeq 6000, will be used.


Kontaktná osoba za SAV: Zuzana Černáková, +421 (0) 2 5751 0 118, cernakova@up.upsav.sk