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Festival tourism – the concept, key functions and dysfunctions in the context of tourism geography studies

In: Geografický časopis, vol. 65, no. 2
Waldemar Cudny
Rok, strany: 2013, 105 - 118
Kľúčové slová:
festivals, festival tourism, tourism geography, tourism functions and dysfunctions, festivalization
O článku:
Festivals are a rapidly developing phenomenon, which is why they are frequently studied in different sciences. They play a major role in the development of tourism; therefore it is important to conduct a comprehensive study of festivals within the framework of tourism geography. Travel to visit a festival may be treated as a separate type of tourism called festival tourism. It has a substantial influence on the tourist space. If the impacts are positive, they are referred to as functions. There are also negative impacts described as the dysfunctions of festival tourism. The aim of this article is to compensate for the shortage of geographical works concerning festival tourism. The author’s intention is to present festivals as an object of study in tourism geography, to provide the definition of festival tourism, as well as to establish its main impacts on the tourist space (tourism functions and dysfunctions).
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Cudny, W. 2013. Festival tourism – the concept, key functions and dysfunctions in the context of tourism geography studies. In Geografický časopis, vol. 65, no.2, pp. 105-118. 0016-7193.

Cudny, W. (2013). Festival tourism – the concept, key functions and dysfunctions in the context of tourism geography studies. Geografický časopis, 65(2), 105-118. 0016-7193.