Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications
Zoznam článkov
Volume 36, 2007, No. 2
ISSN 1210-3195 (print)
ISSN 1338–9750 (online)
- Karabáš, J. - Maličký, P. - Nedela, R.: Fundamental groups of prime $3$-manifolds of genus at most two. (s. 1)
- Grausová, M.: A note on regular maps with large planar width. (s. 13)
- Líšková, Ľ.: Exponents of one-vertex maps and $t$-balanced maps. (s. 19)
- Híc, P. - Pokorný, I.: Randomly $2C n $ graphs . (s. 29)
- Dehmer, M. - Mehler, A.: A new method of measuring similarity for a special class of directed graphs. (s. 39)
- Madaras, T.: Two variations of Franklin's theorem. (s. 61)
- Horňák, M. - Kocková, Z.: On complete tripartite graphs arbitrarily decomposable into closed trails. (s. 71)
- Draženská, E. - Klešč, M.: The crossing numbers of products of cycles with $6$-vertex trees. (s. 109)
- Semaničová, A.: Magic graphs having a saturated vertex. (s. 121)
- Fiala, J. - Van Bang Le, .: The subchromatic index of graphs. (s. 129)
- Miškuf, J. - Jendroľ, S.: On total edge irregularity strength of the grids. (s. 147)
- Milazzo, L. - Tuza, Z.: A class of Steiner systems S(2,4,v) with arcs of extremal size. (s. 153)
- Hahn, G.: Cops, robbers and graphs. (s. 163)