Computing and Informatics
Zoznam článkov
Volume 30, 2011, No. 4
ISSN 1335-9150 (print)
ISSN 2585-8807 (online)
- Plentz, P. - Montez, C. - de Oliveira, R.: Deadline Missing Prediction Through the Use of Milestones. (s. 657)
- Aloui, A. - Ourbih-Tari, M.: The Use of Refined Descriptive Sampling and Applications in Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation. (s. 681)
- Chattopadhyay, S. - Pratihar, D. - De Sarkar, S.: A Comparative Study of Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm and Entropy-Based Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms. (s. 701)
- Shin, K. - Han, S.: A Centroid-based Heuristic Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. (s. 721)
- Shin, J.-G. - Choi, D.-W. - Lee, D.-C. - Byun, Y.-C.: Search Tree Generation for the Exception Handling of E-Commerce Delivery Process. (s. 731)
- Zieliński, K. - Kosińska, J. - Kosiński, J.: Virtual Grid -- New Paradigm of System Resources Dynamic Organization. (s. 749)
- Mazur, G. - Makowski, M. - Brela, M.: Effective Resource Allocation in Parallel Quantum-Chemical Calculations. (s. 761)
- Krzywucki, M. - Polak, S.: Workflow Similarity Analysis. (s. 773)
- Bieliková, M. - Bartalos, P.: Automatic Dynamic Web Service Composition: A Survey and Problem Formalization. (s. 793)
- Paraiso, E. - Malucelli, A.: Ontologies Supporting Intelligent Agent-Based Assistance. (s. 829)
- Kang, H. - Lee, K.-H.: A Semantic Approach to Integrating XML Schemas Using Domain Ontologies. (s. 857)