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In: Slovenské divadlo, vol. 56, no. 2
Ladislav Čavojský


Year, pages: 2008, 142 - 181
Trnava - jezuitské divadlo a hudba - divadelná a hudobná tradícia - profesionalizácia
Article type: 1 štúdia / 1 studie
About article:
Autor pokračuje v skúmaní divadelných (a tentoraz synchrónne i hudobných) tradícií v Trnave. Bezmála poldruha storočia tu sídlila jezuitská univerzita (1635 - 1777). Katolícka cirkev počas tureckej okupácie veľkej časti uhorského kráľovstva mala v meste najvyšší úrad, dočasné sídlo ostrihomského arcibiskupstva (1543 - 1820). Centrum viery a vedy bolo tak trochu aj kolískou umenia. Učenosť bola v Trnave po univerzite a Kráľovskej akadémii (1777 - 1786) zastúpená aj Slovenským učeným tovarišstvom či Tovariš¬stvom literného umenia (1792 - začiatok 19. stor.) – a umenie predov¬šetkým pestovaním hudby v kláštoroch i na školách všetkého dru¬hu, od mestských po univerzitu. Tam malo zárodok, i mohutné ohnisko, jezuitské, barokové divadelníctvo v Uhorsku. Božích chrámov bolo v meste neúrekom, no bol tu aj vari prvý chrám Tálie v uhorskom kráľovstve, divadelná sála v Mariánskom seminári (l692). Mestské divadlo si Trnavčania darovali taktiež medzi prvými občanmi Uhorska (1831). V tom istom období si z iniciatívy mešťanostu a správcu fary založili Hudobný spolok (1833). V rôznych obmenách trvá dodnes. Novodobé profesionálne hudobné teleso v meste nikdy nebolo, no profesionálne divadlo sa tu zahniezdilo (1960). Všemeniace časy ho všakovako poznamenali, zrušili a zase obnovili, menili jeho názov, no divadelné a občas i hudobné umenie je v najstaršej zachovalej divadelnej budove stále živé.
The author continues in examining theatrical (and this time simultaneously also musical) traditions in Trnava. The Jesuit University had its residence here for almost a half century (1635 – 1777). Roman Catholic Church had during the Turkish occupation of a big part of the Ugrian kingdom its supreme authority, the temporary residence of Esztergrom arcibishopric in this city (1543 - 1820). The centre of religion and science was also considered to be partially a cradle of art. Scholarship was in Trnava apart from university and Royal Academy (1777 - 1786) represented also by the Slovak Educated Brotherhood, or by the Brotherhood of literary art (1792-beginning of 19th century) - and art which was meant mostly as cultivating music in monasteries of all kind and in scholls of all kind – from municipal schools to university. There was a seed but also a vast focus of Jesuit baroque theatrical art in the Ugrian kingdom. Many houses of God were found in the city, but among them was also the first temple of Thalia in the Ugrian kingdom, a theatre hall in the Seminary of the Holy Virgin (1692). A municipal theatre was a gift which the inhabitants of Trnava provided to themselves among the first citizens of the Ugrian kingdom (1831). In the same period as a result of the initiative of a mayor and governor of the vicarage, the Musical fellowship was founded (1833). It has been operational in various cities until now. A modern musical body never existed in the city, but a professional theatre did nested here (1960). Always changing times have affected it in different ways, it was cancelled, then reopened, its name was changed, but theater and also musical art in this oldest preserved building has always been very much alive.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Čavojský, L. 2008. TRNAVČANOV HUDOBNÝ A DIVADELNÝ ZÁPISNÍK. In Slovenské divadlo, vol. 56, no.2, pp. 142-181. 0037-699X.

Čavojský, L. (2008). TRNAVČANOV HUDOBNÝ A DIVADELNÝ ZÁPISNÍK. Slovenské divadlo, 56(2), 142-181. 0037-699X.