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Informačná stránka zamestnanca SAV

Profesijný životopis

Doc. RNDr. František Rublík, CSc.

Kontaktná adresa:

Doc. RNDr. František Rublík, CSc.
Ústav merania SAV
Dúbravská cesta 9
841 04 Bratislava

Ďalšie informácie

Štúdium, pracoviská:

  • V roku 1970 ukončil štúdium na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave v odbore matematická štatistika a teória pravdepodobnosti a stal sa zamestnancom Ústavu merania SAV v Bratislave.

  • V roku 1973 získal titul RNDr na Komenského Univerzite v Bratislave v špecializácii pravdepodobnosť a matematická štatistika.

  • Postgraduálne štúdium absolvoval ako externý ašpirant Ústavu teórie informácie a automatizácie Akadémie vied Českej republiky v Prahe a titul CSc(PhD) získal roku 1977.

Vedeckovýskumné zameranie a pedagogická činnosť:

  • Zaoberá sa asymptotickými vlastnosťami štatistických testov, vrátane testu pomerom vierohodností a jeho asymptotickej optimálnosti.

  • Jeho výskum zahŕňa aj neparametrické metódy (testy založené na poradiach) a vlastnosti mediánu viacrozmerných pozorovaní (priestorový medián).

  • Publikované práce zahŕňajú aj oblasť L-odhadov, testov zhody, analýzu hlavných komponentov (charakteristické čísla kovariančných matíc).

Vybrané publikácie:

  1. Rublík, F.: Estimates of the covariance matrix of vectors of U-statistics and confidence regions for vectors of Kendall's tau. Kybernetika 52 (2016), 280 - 293.

  2. Rublík, F. and Somorčík, J.: On the Behrens-Fisher problem from the spatial median point of view. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (2015), 3080 - 3091.

  3. Rublík, F.: Neparametrické metódy. VEDA, vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava, 2011.

  4. Rublík, F.: On testing hypotheses in the generalized Skillings-Mack random blocks setting. Kybernetika 47(2011), 657 - 677.

  5. Rublík, F. and Somorčík, J.: Affine-equivariant spatial median and its use in the multivariate multisample location problem. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics. 53(2), 2011, 197 - 215.

  6. Rublík, F.: A note on simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios of variances. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 39(2010), 6, 1038 - 1045.

  7. Bajla, I., Rublík, F., Arendacká, B., Farkaš, I., Hornišová, K., Štolc, S., Witkovský, V.: Segmentation and supervised classification of image objects in Epo doping-control. Machine Vision and Applications, 20 (2009), 243 - 259.

  8. Hönschová, E. and Rublík, F.: On asymptotic linearity of L-estimates. Mathematica Slovaca 59(2009), 667 - 678.

  9. Rublík, F.: A test of the hypothesis of partial common principal components. Mathematica Slovaca 59(2009), 579 - 592.

  10. Rublík, F.: Critical values for testing location-scale hypothesis. Measurement Science Review 9(2009), Section 1, 9 - 15.

  11. Rublík, F.: Asymptotic local power of the LR test for some homogeneity hypotheses on normal distribution. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 39(2008), Editors A. Pázman, J. Volaufová, V. Witkovský, pp. 205 - 213.

  12. Rublik, F.: On the discriminant analysis in the 2-populations case. Measurement Science Review 8(2008), Section 1, 50 - 52.

  13. Rublík, F.: On the asymptotic efficiency of the multisample location-scale rank tests and their adjustment for ties. Kybernetika 43(2007), 279 - 306.

  14. Rublík, F.: The multisample version of the Lepage test. Kybernetika, 41 (2005), 713-733.

  15. Rublík, F.: Tests of some hypotheses on characteristic roots of covariance matrices not requiring normality assumptions. Kybernetika 37(2001), 61-78.

  16. Rublík, F.: A quantile goodness-of-fit test for Cauchy distribution based on extreme order statistics. Applications of Mathematics 46(2001), 339-351 (ps file 202kb).
  17. Rublík F.: On consistency of the maximum likelihood principle based tests and estimates in the case of exponential-like distributions. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 22(2001), Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics - Dedicated to Lubomír Kubáček, pp. 115 - 141.

  18. Rublík F.: On performance of multiple comparison methods used in conjunction with the Kruskal-Wallis test. Proceedings. 3rd International Conference on Measurement, Smolenice 2001, pp. 36 - 40.

  19. Rublík, F.: Asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio test statistic in the multisample case, Mathematica Slovaca 49(1999), 577-598.

  20. Rublík, F.: A goodness-of-fit test for Cauchy distribution. Probastat '98, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematical Statistics, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 17(1999), 71-81.

  21. Rublík, F.: A quantile goodness-of-fit test applicable to distributions with non-differentiable densities. Kybernetika 33(1997), 505-524.

  22. Rublík, F.: A large deviation theorem for the q-sample likelihood ratio statistic. The Annals of Statistics 24(1996), 2280-2287.

  23. Rublík, F.: On d-optimality of the LR tests. Kybernetika 31(1995), 189 - 206.

  24. Rublík, F.: On consistency of the MLE. Kybernetika 31(1995), 45 - 64.

  25. Rublík, F.: Some tests on exponential populations. Probastat'94, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 7(1996), 229 - 235.

  26. Rublík, F.: On Hodges-Lehmann optimality of LR tests. Kybernetika 30(1994), 199 - 210.

  27. Rublík, F. and Bognárová, M.: Tables for a statistical quality control test. Applications of Mathematics 37(1992), 459 - 468.

  28. Rublík, F.: Testing a tolerance hypothesis by means of an information distance. Aplikace matematiky 35(1990), 458 - 470.

  29. Rublík, F.: On optimality of the LR tests in the sense of exact slopes. Part I. General case. Kybernetika 25(1989), 13 - 25.

  30. Rublík, F.: On optimality of the LR tests in the sense of exact slopes. Part II. Application to individual distributions. Kybernetika 25(1989), 117 - 135.

  31. Rublík, F.: On testing hypotheses approximable by cones. Mathematica Slovaca 39(1989), 199 - 213.

  32. Rublík, F.: A note on the weak convergence of probability measures on C(K,L). Mathematica Slovaca 33(1983), 133 - 139.