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9. 4. 2021 | videné 199-krát


European Animal Production: Envisioning the Future


It is a pleasure to invite you to the SUSAN - Early Career Research Workshop that will take place (in videoconference) the next 13th, 20th and 27th of April 2021.


The workshop will focus on the identification of visions and challenges for future sustainable animal production systems in Europe. It will be organized in three online sessions in a time range of two weeks. The outcome of the workshop will be a shared vision on future sustainable animal production in Europe and recommendations on research questions that are relevant to apply for funding in European calls on Sustainable Animal Production.


Your partecipation will be expected in particular  on the afternoon of  last day (27th of April) when partecipants (25 young researchers) will present the results of the workshop. It will be an important occasion of discussion and we would very much appreciate your presence.


The meeting will be organized via Teams:


Join via computer or mobile app

Join by Link: Fai clic qui per partecipare alla riunione<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODM4MmJkNWQtYTBmOC00MDhiLWJkZTAtZDg3N2FlNTk2MmQ3%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222ba86e28-1f3a-4f4a-9119-797f700e0ae5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224652ac59-17f8-48f3-83fa-ab19bed872fc%22%7d>?


Alternatively, join by phone call (audio only)

+39 02 0062 4095,133256393# Italy, Milan

Conference call ID: 133 256 393#


Important. The meeting will be recorded so we ask to you to fill the privacy survey by the 25th of april: https://forms.gle/qMD4YUBLecRh34kC9