K 50. výročiu založenia CERN
1. 10. 2004 | videné 4120-krát
Prehliadkou Cyklotrónového centra SR v Karlovej Vsi sa v piatok 1. októbra 2004 začali oslavy 50. výročia založenia CERN a zasadnutie Európskeho výboru pre urýchľovače ECFA.
Prehľad slovenských aktivít vo fyzike vysokých energií predstavil v úvodnom príspevku našim aj zahraničným hosťom Ivan Králik z Ústavu experimentálnej fyziky SAV v Košiciach. Po príhovore zástupcu Ministerstva školstva SR Petra Magdolena pozdravil prítomných člen Predsedníctva SAV Vojtech Rušin v mene predsedu SAV Štefana Lubyho. Jeho príhovor si môžete prečítať v závere tohto textu. Potom nasledovali vystúpenia A. Žákovej (MH SR), Beáty Brestenskej (NR SR) a Dušana Podhorského (Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo SR).
Zástupca CERN Dieter Schlatter odovzdal prítomným pozdrav od generálneho riaditeľa tejto inštitúcie Roberta Aymara. V stručnosti predstavil históriu CERN, ktorá sa začala podpisom spoločnej dohody 12 účastníckych štátov 29. septembra 1954. Dnes má CERN v Ženeve tri urýchľovače, z ktorých najväčší má kruhový tunel s celkovou dĺžkou 26 kilometrov, dvakrát pretínajúci pod zemou švajčiarsko-francúzsku hranicu. Do histórie CERN patria také výsledky, ako Nobelove ceny za tunajšie objavy elementárnych častíc, či zrod celosvetovej internetovej siete World Wide Web. Predstavil aj chystané experimenty a prístroje, ku ktorým patrí napríklad obrovský podzemný detektor Alice s priemerom 5-poschodového domu a dĺžkou vyše 21 metrov, či nová sieť LCG (Large Computing Grid), spájajúca tisíce počítačov, ktorá umožní rýchlo spracovať obrovské množstvo údajov, vyprodukovaných novými experimentmi.
Spoluprácu Slovenska s CERN-om od roku 2000 priblížil účastníkom Branislav Sitár z FMFI UK Bratislava. Na spoločných úlohách v tomto období pracovalo vyše 50 našich fyzikov a inžinierov, ďalej technici, študenti, diplomanti a doktorandi. V súčasnosti sa na tejto spolupráci podieľa najmä FMFI UK Bratislava, ÚEF SAV a UPJŠ v Košiciach. V medzinárodných tendroch zvíťazili so svojimi projektmi VVU ZTS Košice a SES Tlmače.
Popoludní seminár pokračoval podrobnými referátmi o experimentoch ATLAS, ALICE, NA 49, NA 57 a o ďalších aktivitách našich vedcov v oblastiach jadrového výskumu, teórie a praxe.
Oslavy 50. výročia založenia CERN vyvrcholia v Ženeve 16. októbra 2004. Viac nájdete na http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/Welcome.html
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Príhovor Vojtecha Rušina, prednesený 1. októbra na oslavách 50. výročia CERN v Bratislave.
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to be here today and say a few words on behalf of the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and especially its President Professor Stefan Luby.
First, experimental research in particle and high energy heavy-ion physics requires very close collaboration with world centers owing unique tools like high-energy accelerators and complex detector set-ups.
CERN, located near Geneva on the France-Swiss border, is one of the most advanced leading world centers well known and highly recognized all over the world. For a long time CERN delivered its users unique experimental facilities like SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron) and LEP (Large Electron-Positron ring) accelerator complexes having broad and diversified scientific program.
Slovakia is proud to be a CERN member state from July 1993. This opens a door for Slovak scientific community to use – as a natural part of our research basis – an infrastructure of CERN and participate in the unique scientific program at the leading front of physics research.
Collaboration with CERN is important both for experimental and theoretical physicists. We appreciate with pleasure the fruitful co-operation of physics institutes of Slovak Academy of Science – Institute of Physics in Bratislava and Institute of Experimental Physics in Košice – with CERN. There is a number of Bratislava theorists having long-term contacts with the Theory division of CERN. And for experimenters from Košice participation in CERN experiments is an essential and very important part of their work. It is a pleasure to point out important results coming from their participation in heavy-ion SPS experiments WA97 and NA57, contributing to the observation of a new state of matter. Slovak Academy of Sciences recognized importance of these results awarding in 2002 its prize for international cooperation to a team of physicists participating in the WA97 and NA57 experiments.
The future of particle physics in Academy is tightly connected with the participation in the LHC program at CERN. Our physicists are preparing themselves for unique proton-proton and also heavy-ion physics at the new frontier of energy within ATLAS and ALICE projects, contributing to the building of detectors and preparation of the physics program.
It is a pleasure to mention here that our colleague Karel Safarik, a member of Institute of Experimental Physics in Košice, is now working as an ALICE physics co-ordinator at CERN.
Cooperation with CERN is important not only for physicists. We recognize and appreciate also fruitful contacts of our institutes oriented to technical science with CERN. As an examples let me mention applications of superconductivity (Institute of Electrical Engineering) and large-scale distributed GRID computing (Institute of Informatics).
Celebrating an important event – 50th anniversary of CERN – we would like to wish CERN a healthy further development for a mutual benefit of Slovak and CERN scientists.
Every Conference, not excluding yours, has alongside of its scientific aspect also another dimension, that of bringing together people from almost every corner of the globe having different cultural and social backgrounds. And, as a rule, the exchange of ideas within such a community provides each individual with a lot of experiences to go back in their memory after many years.
As the second step, let me, ladies and gentlemen, briefly introduce our Academy. Founded in 1953, it is an organization comprising at present, 67 institutes and 5 social institutions, employing more than 3000 people, 60% of which have earned university degree. Research activities of the Academy are numerous – ranging from elementary particle physics to the Sun, stars and galaxies including cosmology, materials and nanotechnology, not leaving, however, aside chemistry, archeology, medicine, history and social sciences. At present, centers of excellences are created in the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as a seed for national centers of excellences. The deep changes in our society after 1989 left understandably their imprints also in our Academy. The number of people has been reduced to one half, the scientific institutes have been accredited and their evaluation is done every four years, and a system of grants has been introduced. To speak on a more positive note, the conditions for a closer cooperation with foreign institutions, especially from advanced countries, have become more favorable. We participate in many international frameworks, including the 5th and 6th framework program of the European Union. As a consequence, a highly competitive environment appeared which contributes much to the higher quality of scientific results obtained. Concerning the tasks awaiting our Academy in the near future are:
- basic research
- basic-applied research
- education and public activity
- legislative assistance (as a new member of the European Union and trans-Atlantic structures needs a lot of legislative improvements)
- international co-operation.
Needless to say, science has always had a crucial position in any society. It is not perhaps exaggerative to say, that there is a direct proportionality between the standard of scientific research in a society and the standard of living of its people. Hence, the Academy is also an important educational body preparing future specialists, of about 800 PhD candidates, not only for its own needs, but also for external institutions. We would like to pursue this task strengthening the cooperation with Universities and prepare good specialists for governmental and private sectors.
Ladies and gentlemen, to conclude I wish you a very pleasant stay in this nice spot, many stimulating and fruitful discussions during the meeting, and enjoyable social events.
Thank you for your attention.
Prehľad slovenských aktivít vo fyzike vysokých energií predstavil v úvodnom príspevku našim aj zahraničným hosťom Ivan Králik z Ústavu experimentálnej fyziky SAV v Košiciach. Po príhovore zástupcu Ministerstva školstva SR Petra Magdolena pozdravil prítomných člen Predsedníctva SAV Vojtech Rušin v mene predsedu SAV Štefana Lubyho. Jeho príhovor si môžete prečítať v závere tohto textu. Potom nasledovali vystúpenia A. Žákovej (MH SR), Beáty Brestenskej (NR SR) a Dušana Podhorského (Úrad pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo SR).
Zástupca CERN Dieter Schlatter odovzdal prítomným pozdrav od generálneho riaditeľa tejto inštitúcie Roberta Aymara. V stručnosti predstavil históriu CERN, ktorá sa začala podpisom spoločnej dohody 12 účastníckych štátov 29. septembra 1954. Dnes má CERN v Ženeve tri urýchľovače, z ktorých najväčší má kruhový tunel s celkovou dĺžkou 26 kilometrov, dvakrát pretínajúci pod zemou švajčiarsko-francúzsku hranicu. Do histórie CERN patria také výsledky, ako Nobelove ceny za tunajšie objavy elementárnych častíc, či zrod celosvetovej internetovej siete World Wide Web. Predstavil aj chystané experimenty a prístroje, ku ktorým patrí napríklad obrovský podzemný detektor Alice s priemerom 5-poschodového domu a dĺžkou vyše 21 metrov, či nová sieť LCG (Large Computing Grid), spájajúca tisíce počítačov, ktorá umožní rýchlo spracovať obrovské množstvo údajov, vyprodukovaných novými experimentmi.
Spoluprácu Slovenska s CERN-om od roku 2000 priblížil účastníkom Branislav Sitár z FMFI UK Bratislava. Na spoločných úlohách v tomto období pracovalo vyše 50 našich fyzikov a inžinierov, ďalej technici, študenti, diplomanti a doktorandi. V súčasnosti sa na tejto spolupráci podieľa najmä FMFI UK Bratislava, ÚEF SAV a UPJŠ v Košiciach. V medzinárodných tendroch zvíťazili so svojimi projektmi VVU ZTS Košice a SES Tlmače.
Popoludní seminár pokračoval podrobnými referátmi o experimentoch ATLAS, ALICE, NA 49, NA 57 a o ďalších aktivitách našich vedcov v oblastiach jadrového výskumu, teórie a praxe.
Oslavy 50. výročia založenia CERN vyvrcholia v Ženeve 16. októbra 2004. Viac nájdete na http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/Welcome.html
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Príhovor Vojtecha Rušina, prednesený 1. októbra na oslavách 50. výročia CERN v Bratislave.
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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to be here today and say a few words on behalf of the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and especially its President Professor Stefan Luby.
First, experimental research in particle and high energy heavy-ion physics requires very close collaboration with world centers owing unique tools like high-energy accelerators and complex detector set-ups.
CERN, located near Geneva on the France-Swiss border, is one of the most advanced leading world centers well known and highly recognized all over the world. For a long time CERN delivered its users unique experimental facilities like SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron) and LEP (Large Electron-Positron ring) accelerator complexes having broad and diversified scientific program.
Slovakia is proud to be a CERN member state from July 1993. This opens a door for Slovak scientific community to use – as a natural part of our research basis – an infrastructure of CERN and participate in the unique scientific program at the leading front of physics research.
Collaboration with CERN is important both for experimental and theoretical physicists. We appreciate with pleasure the fruitful co-operation of physics institutes of Slovak Academy of Science – Institute of Physics in Bratislava and Institute of Experimental Physics in Košice – with CERN. There is a number of Bratislava theorists having long-term contacts with the Theory division of CERN. And for experimenters from Košice participation in CERN experiments is an essential and very important part of their work. It is a pleasure to point out important results coming from their participation in heavy-ion SPS experiments WA97 and NA57, contributing to the observation of a new state of matter. Slovak Academy of Sciences recognized importance of these results awarding in 2002 its prize for international cooperation to a team of physicists participating in the WA97 and NA57 experiments.
The future of particle physics in Academy is tightly connected with the participation in the LHC program at CERN. Our physicists are preparing themselves for unique proton-proton and also heavy-ion physics at the new frontier of energy within ATLAS and ALICE projects, contributing to the building of detectors and preparation of the physics program.
It is a pleasure to mention here that our colleague Karel Safarik, a member of Institute of Experimental Physics in Košice, is now working as an ALICE physics co-ordinator at CERN.
Cooperation with CERN is important not only for physicists. We recognize and appreciate also fruitful contacts of our institutes oriented to technical science with CERN. As an examples let me mention applications of superconductivity (Institute of Electrical Engineering) and large-scale distributed GRID computing (Institute of Informatics).
Celebrating an important event – 50th anniversary of CERN – we would like to wish CERN a healthy further development for a mutual benefit of Slovak and CERN scientists.
Every Conference, not excluding yours, has alongside of its scientific aspect also another dimension, that of bringing together people from almost every corner of the globe having different cultural and social backgrounds. And, as a rule, the exchange of ideas within such a community provides each individual with a lot of experiences to go back in their memory after many years.
As the second step, let me, ladies and gentlemen, briefly introduce our Academy. Founded in 1953, it is an organization comprising at present, 67 institutes and 5 social institutions, employing more than 3000 people, 60% of which have earned university degree. Research activities of the Academy are numerous – ranging from elementary particle physics to the Sun, stars and galaxies including cosmology, materials and nanotechnology, not leaving, however, aside chemistry, archeology, medicine, history and social sciences. At present, centers of excellences are created in the Slovak Academy of Sciences, as a seed for national centers of excellences. The deep changes in our society after 1989 left understandably their imprints also in our Academy. The number of people has been reduced to one half, the scientific institutes have been accredited and their evaluation is done every four years, and a system of grants has been introduced. To speak on a more positive note, the conditions for a closer cooperation with foreign institutions, especially from advanced countries, have become more favorable. We participate in many international frameworks, including the 5th and 6th framework program of the European Union. As a consequence, a highly competitive environment appeared which contributes much to the higher quality of scientific results obtained. Concerning the tasks awaiting our Academy in the near future are:
- basic research
- basic-applied research
- education and public activity
- legislative assistance (as a new member of the European Union and trans-Atlantic structures needs a lot of legislative improvements)
- international co-operation.
Needless to say, science has always had a crucial position in any society. It is not perhaps exaggerative to say, that there is a direct proportionality between the standard of scientific research in a society and the standard of living of its people. Hence, the Academy is also an important educational body preparing future specialists, of about 800 PhD candidates, not only for its own needs, but also for external institutions. We would like to pursue this task strengthening the cooperation with Universities and prepare good specialists for governmental and private sectors.
Ladies and gentlemen, to conclude I wish you a very pleasant stay in this nice spot, many stimulating and fruitful discussions during the meeting, and enjoyable social events.
Thank you for your attention.