Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology
Zoznam článkov
Volume 72, 2024, No. 4
ISSN 1339-9357 (print)
ISSN 1339-9357 (online)
- Davoliūtė, V. - Törnquist-Plewa, B. - Vrzgulová, M. : Slow Memory. Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe. Introduction . (s. 426)
- Bezirgan-Tanış, B. : Persistent Catastrophes: Slow Memory and Slow Violence in Exploring Dark Heritage. (s. 433)
- Tabaszewska, J. : Memory of the Political Transformation as a Memory of Slow Change . (s. 449)
- Ulinskaitė, J. : Uncovering Slow Memory in the Narratives of Lithuania’s Post-Communist Transformation. (s. 463)
- Kõresaar, E. - Jõesalu, K. : Slow Conflict on Display: on the Representation of Russophone Minorities in Baltic History Museums. (s. 475)
- Brožová, A. : Recording Life Stories as a Never-Ending Process: Interviewing People by the Museum of the Hlučín Region as a Case Study of Slow Memory. (s. 491)
- Hajská, M. : Migration of Roma to Western Europe Under the Iron Curtain in the Light of Memories of the Witnesses. (s. 504)
- Malmgren, A. : Grandmother Memories for the Future. Solidaric Practices and (Slow) Memory in Contemporary Oppositional Struggles in Poland. (s. 519)
- Hartikainen, I. - Syrovátka, J. . - Szebeni, Z. : Blurring Histories: King Svätopluk I and the Shaping of Slovak Identity through Pseudohistory and Slow Memory. (s. 536)
Book Review
- van Wanrooij, D. - Schipperijn, L. : Sarah Gensburger, Sandrine Lefranc: Beyond Memory: Can We Really Learn from the Past?. (s. 550)
- Natroshvili, N. : Oksana Sarkisova, Olga Shevchenko: In Visible Presence: Soviet Afterlives in Family Photos. (s. 553)
- Metreveli, T. : Karin Roginer Hofmeister: Remembering Suffering and Resistance. Memory Politics and the Serbian Orthodox Church. (s. 557)