Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal
Zoznam článkov
Volume 76, 2024, No. 4
ISSN 0016-7193 (print)
ISSN 2453-8787 (online)
- Michálek, A. : Pandémia COVID-19 ako indikátor odolnosti alebo zraniteľnosti ekonomík krajín EÚ-27. (s. 301)
- Rišová, K. : Transport exclusion of suburban mothers: A critical review. (s. 319)
- Jančovič, M. - Kidová, A. : Floodplain identification in the context of flood exposure of marginalized Roma communities. (s. 341)
- Tobirov, O. . - Muminov, D. . - Abdinazarova, K. . - Khoshimov, A. . - Nazarov, H. . - Berdiyev, G. . : Identification of mudflow-prone areas in the Shakhimardan tourist and recreation zone using multi-criteria analysis and GIS. (s. 355)
- Důbravová, K. . - Kunc, J. - Neumannová, M. . : Glory and decline of former European textile industry leaders: Impact on population dynamics and industrial revitalization in Manchester, Łódź and Brno. (s. 377)