World Literature Studies
Zoznam článkov
Volume 16, 2024, No. 4
ISSN 1337-9275 (print)
ISSN 1337-9690 (online)
- Kaminski, J. D. : Fictional realities of eternal peace. (s. 2)
- Shotwell, A. . : “All we have is means”: Ursula K. Le Guin’s utopianism as ongoingness. (s. 3)
- Jörg, K. : Messy utopianism and the question of war: What does “staying with the trouble” mean in relation to war?. (s. 18)
- Kaminski, J. D. : World-wide conflicts, insular solutions: Universalizing government, language and race in H. G. Wells’s A Modern Utopia and Kang Youwei’s The Great Unity. (s. 29)
- F. Y. Tsang, G. : Mind and peace: The “democratic” info-technological determinism of Gu Junzheng’s “The Dream of Peace”. (s. 47)
- Ka-chi Cheuk, M. . : The Chinese Nobel complex and peacebuilding: Gao Xingjian and Mo Yan as case studies. (s. 61)
- MacMillan, C. . : Everyone’ s watching you: The future of society in Dave Eggers’ s The Every . (s. 79)
- Matejicka, A. . : Totalitarian systems and their peaceful alternatives in Karin Boye’ s Kallocain and Olga Ravn’ s The Employees . (s. 93)
- Mühlböck, M. : The terrible within the peaceful: Christoph Ransmayr’ s Morbus Kitahara . (s. 104)
- Škrovan, A. : The pursuit of harmony: Groups and communities in post-apocalyptic narratives . (s. 117)
- Karimi Riabi, E. . : The image of Persian women in Lomnitsky’ s travelogue Persia and Persians . (s. 134)
- Rybárová, S. . : JEAN-MARIE SCHAEFFER: La vie des arts (mode d’emploi) [The life of the arts (A user manual)]. (s. 149)
- Forgáč, M. : THEODOR W. ADORNO: Poznámky k literatuře I [Notes to literature I]. (s. 153)
- Szabó, M. . : PAVEL BARŠA: Dekadence a obrození: Krize evropského liberalismu a „židovská otázka“ [Decadence and revival: The crisis of European liberalism and „the Jewish question“]. (s. 156)
- Eliáš, A. : SOŇA PAŠTEKOVÁ: Reflexia ruského formalizmu v diele Mikuláša Bakoša [The reflection of Russian formalism in the work of Mikuláš Bakoš]. (s. 160)